
13 August 2008

3D Challenge #053 - Snack Cart

The purpose of the challenge is to have fun and bring SketchUp users together and help each other learn and get better at using our favorite 3d modeling program. We will remove comments that are objectionable or offensive.
Before you start modeling and posting, please read carefully the 3D Challenge participating manual and pre-made or downloaded components are not allowed.

This week's challenge:

Snack Cart

For this challenge, it is going to be a little more "fun". We will be modeling a Snack Cart of any sort. If it is a cart, meaning that it is portable, and it has snacks on it, feel free to model it! As always, be create and have fun. Try to think of some Snack Cart needs like storage and utilities. Each type of cart is better suited toward a different type of snack and marketing so it is encouraged to try out some different types.

Have fun and don't eat all of your Snacks while modeling! Save some for the cart!

3D Warehouse tag: 3d challenge 053

Due Date: Wed, August 20th (Challenge Closed)

Click here to see the currently submitted models for this challenge.

Sweet cart by a.j.unknow

2nd Place
I Scream Hotdog! by DesignsbyALX

3rd Place
Jedi Master Dogs Hotdog Stand by JediCharles
Hot Dog Cart by Jon


  1. General Notes:
    There will no obligation for a blog entry anymore. It is still allowed to post a link to your model or additional images, but it is not required anymore to submit a model to the challenges. The 3D Warehouse tag is still required though and should be added when uploading a model to the Warehouse.

    You can use the hyperlink code creator on the frontpage of the blog to create the code for a hyperlink in your message. Copy this code and paste it in the comment box on the place where your want the hyperlink to be.

    Challenge suggestions are welcome to be placed on the blog. Items will be noted and compiled on the moderator’s list. At that point, the initial comment for the suggestion may be deleted so as to maintain a streamline challenge thread for use of posting entries for the challenge and comments to models. Challenge suggestions have always been welcomed and taken under consideration.

    Please refrain from using background images in your models as it is the model itself that is being judged.

    You'll notice a new link on the main page that directs you to the First Place Certificate area to which winners are able to print a certificate with a picture of their model detailing their excellence. You can access the page here or through the main page of the blog.

    Enjoy the Challenge!!!

  2. Well, I'm back into it again... That was a very busy 2 weeks for me, so I've missed out on a few challenges.

    I think this will be a fun challenge. And it will be very interesting to see how it progresses.

    Am I the only one who has noticed the dramatic increase on exceptional modelling over the past month? I think not! Your all doing Great!!

    And it's encouraging to see the newer of the modellers progressing along at an astounding rate.

    Top marks though, I believe should go to those who run this challenge. It can not be an easy task, but the rewards you get from seeing the models that come through here... you must be very proud of yourselves.

    Thank you very much!

  3. can you model some hi-tech,futeristic snack cart,that was what i started on

  4. I don't see why not!
    Keep in mind though that this is not meant to be a sci-fi orient challenge like the last one, and make sure to thoroughly re-read the description to get an idea of what we are looking for. No laser guns or anything like that. If you want your snack cart to hover or something like that, that would be fine. Just try to stay within the confines of the challenge.
    We like to give the modelers as much freedom in these challenges and to use their imagination, but to also know the limits of the challenge and to try not to go too overboard.
    Good luck, looking forward to seeing it!

  5. Ahhhh...yes. Name's Francis. I live and work in one of the greatest cities in the world. well
    it used to be...Ergo, my
    entry with simple words. A into the Challenge
    it goes. I'm not sure if it'll stay. My model Info stated Component Instance. Clueless? any takers? I drew the whole piece, line by face. So I hope it stays.
    Its a nostalgic entry and prefered the un-Obvious to enter.

    Can it stay?

  6. @Tan Tunny
    Please remove Bryce Model and the Noodles one, 'cause they are pre-built models, otherwise you can't enter the challenge.

    I think your model is Ok for this Challenge.
    About Components: You can use Group or, better, components. But they should be created for the challenge itself and not made before or donwloaded from the WH.

    Please, read carefully the challenge Guidelines.

  7. cosedimarko: Thanks for your reply. Onward.

  8. Thank you very much! I had removed all the built models, and I will read the guideline, again. Thanks again.

  9. did anyone notice, the due date of the model entry has already past? To bad, yesterday it was a tie between me and andy, but the voting continues, even though the voting should be done now... hm...:'(.... Nice m&m by the way ;)

  10. Why Didnt my entry show up for Challenge# 52?

  11. @Dylan
    I can't find your model anywhere (blog or collection).
    You should have mistyped the Challenge tag. The right one is the one in the Challenge main post 3d challenge 052

  12. Sorry guys, wasn't on the ball for the voting this week! I forgot to change it to end yesterday when I made it last week. I'll just do the updates now for the new challenge and new voting poll as it is clear that Helicopter has won. I will leave the other model voting open until it ends later today though.
