
04 February 2009

3D Challenge #072 - Museum

This challenge, because of its scale, will be made a 2 week challenge.
Any type of museum can be modeled for this challenge, real or imaginary. It can be any type such as an art museum or history. Your model should contain features that make it stand out as a museum such as display cases and show rooms. It's not necessary to model the actual exhibits, unless you feel up to the challenge!
Good luck and have fun!

3D Warehouse tag: 3d challenge 072

Due Date: Wed, February 18th (Challenge Closed)

Click here to see the currently submitted models for this challenge.

Sketchup Museum - JediCharles

2nd Place
Museum - Michael Papa

3rd Place
nMBA - Sletch2003


  1. General Notes:
    There will no obligation for a blog entry anymore. It is still allowed to post a link to your model or additional images, but it is not required anymore to submit a model to the challenges. The 3D Warehouse tag is still required though and should be added when uploading a model to the Warehouse.

    You can use the hyperlink code creator on the frontpage of the blog to create the code for a hyperlink in your message. Copy this code and paste it in the comment box on the place where your want the hyperlink to be.

    Challenge suggestions are welcome to be placed on the blog. Items will be noted and compiled on the moderator’s list. At that point, the initial comment for the suggestion may be deleted so as to maintain a streamline challenge thread for use of posting entries for the challenge and comments to models. Challenge suggestions have always been welcomed and taken under consideration.

    Please refrain from using background images in your models as it is the model itself that is being judged.

    You'll notice a new link on the main page that directs you to the First Place Certificate area to which winners are able to print a certificate with a picture of their model detailing their excellence. You can access the page through the main page of the blog.

    Good Luck and have fun!!!

  2. Yes, this is really great, I've already created a museum in december, take a look at it here

    I start thinking of my idea right now and really, thanks for this two-week challenge !

  3. not sure quite what to make of this challenge. im applying to study civil engineering next year but i hope to specialize in concrete and steel structures. which museums don't really come under - they're designed more with architecture in mind than structural performance so they've never been a great interest of mine.

    having said that i've finished my maths course now so i only have about 2 lessons a day and a LOT of free time. i might pull out all the stops if i can think of a cool concept.

  4. Henry, for concrete and steel structures, this could be perfect. Use your knowledge of structural performance to aid you in the architectural part. For example, the 720 ton ball that balances the Taipei 101 tower in Taiwan is there to stop the tower from swaying so much, but it is also the main architectural feature of the tower!
    Hope you decide to make a model for this challenge. Could be fun and learn lots from it!

  5. I am having trouble coming up with something. I have done 3 museums ,all art museums,but each design has sucked. I am also wondering if we use photos can we use photos of our own models or do we have do something else. I am glad it is 2 week challenge because it will take me 1 week to figure out what I am doing and then another week building.

  6. @ jeff myers

    i've been having the exact same problem. i haven't put pen to paper (or cursor to virtual space) but i think i have a pretty good idea. i've pretty much decided to put lots of effort into it and i'm doing a mock project. by that i mean i carried out an 'analysis' (what does it need to have what does it not need, how many of these things does it need etc.) then i roughed out some layouts on paper. and im going to start the final design later starting on sunday (away on a university visit tomorrow... *cheers sarcastically*).

    but back to my point. the list of stuff to include really helped. also my dads into architecture and he told me that modern museums reflect their contents. ie science museums are very modern and irregular whereas history museums tend to be made to look old. etc.

    hope my long winded explanation helps a bit.

  7. I am going for a futuristic design like Frank Lloyd Wright or Mid Century Modern designs. I kinda have been a little under the weather today but now I need to figure what i am doing.I have also done a little research on the subjects but my museum is going to look a little horrible due to me being stripped of using premade components on these challenges. My art museum is not going to have allot of art because of my lack of photos on my computer. I really can't do this it is fun but I need a little more ideas and some help on this subject.

  8. Can you use pre-created models created by yourself?

  9. I finished my museum today, I had to delete the car park and some sculptures in the first floor of the cubic building to reduce the size file, you can see them at the picassa's page Here .

    Art Museum .

  10. now this is a Art meseum...
    Designed by cloudedzero

    Also people you think that voting for yourself is not cheating...


    It is and if you do you are not winning anything but self disapointment because if you win by one vote that means you made yourself win just think about it that is why this system doesnt work and some great modelers have quit making models for the challenge because they lose because someone votes for there model like 30+ times and if you dont beleive me look at the monster truck challenge what a joke a model that took less than 30minutes to produce beat a 20+ hour model think about it

    Ye Olde Monster Wagon 1st place it is not really a monster truck

    hooligan 2nd place

    and people wonder why he quit making models for the challenge...

  11. @ erotinaka

    you're right. 100%.

  12. I don't think it's just voting for yourself. If you send a message to your friends via hyves, facebook, e-mail or whatever, to vote for you. Then there's probably a chance you will win. And yes the model of christmass was indeed stupid. Just a 2d tree with balls. I made three models for that challenge and especially the framework sante sleigh was time-consumeing. Nobody knows that, because nobody looks at it. I intersected all the pipes and deleted all the parts that were "left". This model had very little votes, and the my christmass-tree (3d)much more. This was just because it was made with a nice background. If modellers make very good models technically, but they don't use nice backgrounds or scening, than there's a chance of no winning.

  13. I agree with erotinaka but how do you want to change it ?

    I've just uploaded my second entry .
    New Dali Museum .

    And the picassa page .

  14. realy there is no real solution to be honest, people just need to honest but that will never happpen when people think their crapbox9000X-sps (stupid peice of sh**)is the best model out in the challenge because the goal of this challenge is not to win but to create a model using all of your skill and to stress them even further just using attention to detail and other such things actually like texture and a organic feeling that is the style I go for

  15. I am making another museum. My first museum is not exactly what I wanted to do. I am making the second one like Mid-Century Modern. This museum will consist of one floor being exhibits the second floor being mainly for meetings, parties,etc. I am going to upload it tomorrow. It is probably better then my first museum I just did.

  16. re: voting solution

    before the automated vote counter was implemented (back in the day) we just posted who we wanted to vote for and why on the forum. worked flawlessly and you couldn't vote for yourself or get others to vote for you because you could only vote if you entered.

  17. A provocation: why not eliminate the voting system?
    Just model for modelling sake or modelling for learning.

  18. people like to win, we should not eliminate the voting system, I should know how it feels to be trumped by someone with a better model, I think It would be a good Idea if it was in the rules that you had to download the model in order to vote fro it, there is no way to tell but it might help...

    as far as with the current voting system goes, I think you should have one vote, to be used at your discretion to be used on what ever model you think deserves it, which might be yours, you never know, do you think Obama voted for McCain?

  19. @henry
    I agree with you but how do you want to force somebody to leave a comment on the blog ? and then if someone vote for your model and don't leave a comment some peoples could think you've voted for yourself .And I agree with Owwliv about eliminate the voting system ...

  20. @cosedemarco

    Get rid of the voting system!

    you know how many people that would piss off. They would be like how do I vote for myself now, NOOOOO! I am such a loser WAH why oh why oh pitty poor me.

    that is what you will here, and here alot of it for a very, very long time.

  21. To anybody who thinks that I didnt creat my modle using skrtch up well I did it was designed by cloudedzero via paper and pencil and I converted that image to this building

  22. @ anyone
    I am going to break the voting issue chat here.
    Can someone explain why the 2D Warehouse is not letting me upload. I couldn't upload to day or yesterday. No one from Google has answered my previous questions or fixed the issue. For a month now I have asked them to fix it and had to go through the steps of what is and isn't. My model is completely textured since all models now have to be textured and now you have to sign in to upload a model What the fudge. I want my uploaded there shouldn't be all these rules unless there trying to thwart spammers then I don't mind but it is ticking me off. I hope to upload the model tomorrow.

  23. I mean 3D warehouse not 2D. =)

  24. i can see why someone might want to do away with the voting system but i think its like the points system on a comedy quiz on tv (in the uk at least). the points really don't matter and nobody cares that much about who wins as long as the host isn't being obtusely unfair but they hold the entire thing together and give it continuity. i think without voting at all the 3d challenge would lose whatever 'joie de vivre' it has left.

    @ mobille
    [im not 100% sure what you meant but i think i do] you wouldn't have to force someone to vote because there would be no voting applet... to vote you would literally write a blog entry saying 'i vote for ######' and then a mod would count up the votes at the end of the due date. so you wouldn't have to force someone to put a comment because they would have to in order to vote.

  25. I cannot upload my model. For 4 days I haven't uploaded so Death Cloud (Clouded Zero) Has offered to do upload it. Can you guys count that? I have sent messages to Google and Apple and so far no answer from anyone. Also my email service has been down but it is back up. Aol and the 3D warehouse might have been down on my mac if someone tells that there's has been working fine I am going down to my local (Screwed up) internet service provider and tell them that ...........You get my picture. I hope that I can upload again or something or someone is going to get a piece of my mind. Regards

  26. yeah... about this whole vote issue, there is a very easy way that this could be resolved... I am assumeing that LoganC here works for google, chances are he works with a lot of people that use sketch up. If he could get 3 other people(his co-workers, friends, whatever) to rate the submissions on a scale of one to ten. It wouldn't be that hard to have a non-biased, non-broken system in place....... To bad that will never happen huh?

  27. @starbucksdesigns

    you mean like a judging panel? like your thinking - interesting idea. probably wont ever happen though, sadly.

  28. I have uploaded jeff Myers Model this entry is not for the challenge it is so modelers can see his model that is all
    Jeff myers@

  29. @voting system & judging panel .
    How about attributing an average for each models ? Then everybody could vote for each models with different values ...or discerning a panel who'll attribute an average themselves for every models but this way might be really long ...

  30. Well now the warehouse desides to work.....
    I have uploaded my offical model "Museum:MCM" is a classic example of Mid Century Modern Architecture with the butterfly roof and perforated metal panels. I will ,after the challenge, redo the chairs and make them look more like eames chairs or something to keep with Mid Century Modern flavor of the building. The chairs, artwork,and metal panels are all done by me.

  31. My Entry: JediCharles' SketchUp Museum

    I had a lot of fun modeling my entry as usual. It features nearly every challenge entry I've made thus far as well as a sneak preview of my nearly complete golf cart (post challenge version). Please take a look and play the scene animation to see all the details and exhibits. As usual, I have created a blog post and image gallery, click here to see it.

  32. I would like to present my model take 2."Museum:MCM" is a wonderful example of Mid Century Modern Architecture. I have added Eames style chairs that I made. Hope you Like.

  33. is a planetarium considered a museum?

  34. I would classify it as a type of museum I guess. It would be considered a museum under it's definition, so yes.

  35. sletch2003 didn't follow the rules in entry "nouveau Musée des Beaux-Arts de Lausanne (nMBA)". There are several premade components: the people and trees.

  36. Tabo did it too... He used planes he previously modeled. Come on guys, follow the rules.

  37. thanks Jedi Charles, SOMEONE needs to point those sort of things out, I appreciate it.

  38. I finished my third museum today .You can see the picasa here . And the model there .

  39. I think Sletch is a good modeler and we should overlook the premade components and accept the architecture. As for Tabo well that is hard because you can't look at it without the planes. I appreciate what sletch and all the modelers that are in the challenge. My MCM Museum kinda sucks now but It is a good architectural piece.

  40. Really love what they've done with the upgrade. In particular, the ability to use measurements in the millimeters and cross lines. It's inspired me to finally make a challenge.
