
25 March 2009

3D Challenge #078 - Kitchen Accessory

For this challenge you may model any Kitchen accessory that people would find in one's kitchen. This could include appliances, such as a refridgerator or microwave. This could also be countertop items like a blender or toaster. The choice is up to you, and you may model as many accessories as you like!

Good luck with this great topic, and have fun!!

3D Warehouse tag: 3d challenge 078

Due Date: Wed, April 1st (Challenge Closed)

Click here to see the currently submitted models for this challenge.

Retro blender - Cloudedzero

2nd Place Tie
Corkscrew - a.j.unknow
J.Rosie my kitchenhelp - DesignsbyALX

3rd Place


  1. General Notes:
    There will no obligation for a blog entry anymore. It is still allowed to post a link to your model or additional images, but it is not required anymore to submit a model to the challenges. The 3D Warehouse tag is still required though and should be added when uploading a model to the Warehouse.

    You can use the hyperlink code creator on the frontpage of the blog to create the code for a hyperlink in your message. Copy this code and paste it in the comment box on the place where your want the hyperlink to be.

    Challenge suggestions are welcome to be placed on the blog. Items will be noted and compiled on the moderator’s list. At that point, the initial comment for the suggestion may be deleted so as to maintain a streamline challenge thread for use of posting entries for the challenge and comments to models. Challenge suggestions have always been welcomed and taken under consideration.

    Please refrain from using background images in your models as it is the model itself that is being judged.

    You'll notice a new link on the main page that directs you to the First Place Certificate area to which winners are able to print a certificate with a picture of their model detailing their excellence. You can access the page through the main page of the blog.

    Good Luck and have fun!!!

  2. ***Please note***
    You may submit more than one model, but please be sensable about this! If you model a Knife or something and submit that, please do not model a spoon or other utensil and also submit that. You might like to create an entire utensil set and submit that instead.
    Thank you

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Just a common hand held mixer.

    It's not a copy off of any real mixer. The design is mine. But, since I love homophones, I dubbed it "Brawn."

  5. OK, hopefully this time the link will be good... My hand mixer.

  6. to make it easier could we upload a collection (instead of individual models or a whole bunch of models in one file)?we could name the collection with the tag we use.

  7. PS can you guys tell me what you think of my Dragg Car i just started it but i'm kinda stumped on how i should finish it

  8. if i have time i think i'll probably make a plate of food. i seem to remember that working fairly well last time i tried it. i just remembered what i made for my entry to the kitchen challenge way back in the day.. a breadboard with knife and bread, and an orange juicer (and a really crappy oven :P ) i seem to remember the person who won made a really nice simple, clean and crisp cutlery set. aaaanyway...

    (ps.jetsons ftw !!!!!!)


  10. Dude i did not, JW2014 is my cousin, we are not the same person but we have to same name concept, initials then grad date. So yell at him not me! Honestly i didn't copy!

  11. It is evident that JW2014 has no intent to follow the rules of this challenge. He has stolen several models and presented them as his own. He is a cheater and a liar. I move that JW2014's entries and votes are henceforth disregarded and that he be banned from the challenge.

  12. @ TD2013

    We're watching you too, so don't try any of the same antics.

  13. @Tinkertoy;

    "That is some pretty darn good work, and fast too. So fast that it makes me wonder if some or all of it was pre-made. But you aren't JW2014, so I will give you the benefit of the doubt. "

    1st of all, thanks for the compliment ;)
    2nd, i'm glad the way for preparing new challemges changed a while ago... I already competed while we were still able to vote for next weeks challenge! The new way rules out the pre-made factor!
    This challenges' idea hit me right away, and im good enought with SKP that i dont have to think longer than 5 seconds how to make it! The whole model didn't took me more than 2 ours to make! HONEST!
    3rd, I just had my 31st birthday, and if i may say so myself, i have outgrown these kind of childisch things, if you know what i mean ;)

    Last, and i've said this before, i really enjoy the "challenge"! Mostly for myself, but i like a bit of competition! Premade? My *ss! Bring it on ;) -no offence, really!- I just love Sketchup!............... I JUST LOVE SKETCHUP!

  14. The next challange should be something to do with some kind of transporter like a human transporter through space or soomething.

  15. @td20103... yes it's all preMade. Pre-made yesturday the 26th. Duhhhhhh and loaded today... and eye drank an abundance of jamaican mountain bean espresso and some coaxing from a friend all nite.crar thnx nm. zip zip. 3mb later I submitted my latest creation and entry into the challenge... Espresso Oasis. Enjoy.

  16. Just uploaded my Model
    and Pics

    its like a moveable kitchen or workspace

  17. Mhm.. seems like a cool challenge.. what should i sketch.

  18. My model for challenge 078
    Here you can see some

  19. I've just finshed my kitchen, I've created a lot of details. I named it "Vintage Kitchen", you'll see why. There're two rooms, the kitchen and the dinning room beside.

    Picsa image page

    Vintage kitchen

  20. OOOooo

    I've just seen the challenge's theme deeply "Accessory". Is that important if I've made a whole kitchen ?? I'm getting worried .
    Though it contains a lot of appliances...

  21. @myself

    I think there's no problems, anyway if there is, just forget the kitchen and only look at the appliances .

    There are great models here, hope it will keep on .

  22. i have just added a model of a Refigerator. Its an important appliance in an KITCHEN

  23. @Moboille
    I think there's no problems with your kitchen.

  24. You still never put who won logan c. for the weight machine. On the home page it still says who got first in the RV Contest.

  25. Oh and check out my ultimate kitchen! At:

  26. Oh right! I knew I forgot something!
    I'll get around to doing that tonight! Thanks.

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. You can see pics of it here! Just copy & paste into address bar:

  29. @TD2013,
    i love how you go to great lengths to Cheat

    oh ya that "silver ware probably took me the longest" right? just as i thought you had turned around.... I really like the qoute "Everything is completly mine, since people might have suspicions that i cheat i did everything my-self".

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. check out my new challenge:

  33. Ok i would like to start over. I gave credit in my description (that also meens those items that are just there to spruce up the model are not for the competition) so if you barrow items you have to give credit for it so people know it is not yours! So it is a bad idea to barrow a whole model becuase that whole model won't count! you get what i'm saying? Please reconsider you rating on my model please, i have givin credit to tom for the silverware and google for a few images!

  34. Look TD2013, these challenges are just for fun. There are no prizes or anything like that. They are here to help improve your modeling skills and just to have fun. By using someone else's model (Without crediting them too) is not helping yourself model any better. I feel that you should rethink what these challenges are all about and work toward being a better modeler.
    Best of luck

  35. Ok fine...i am going to start fresh starting next week. If i cheat (with out giving credits) i will let you guys kick me out of the competition! But I will take my time hopefully getting first next week! Thanks logan C. for being a good sport (unlike some of the others that don't seem to like me very much)

  36. Sinnah obviously doesn't like me....just saying...he is the only one who gave me a 1(his opinion though) so i guess it doesn't matter much and i'm not going to start a fight about it!

  37. randommodification...just a question. Why was your ranking go from a 4 star and the next minute to a 4 star when you thank me for using credits? Just please answer. Was it a mistake?

  38. @TD2013,
    I changed my rating because you admited cheating and i thought that was a good start, and yes it was a mistake(after some thought I changed it back) you obviously don't get that cheating isn't appreciated, especially after getting caught about 3 or more times. maybee next challenge you can earn some respect by making a model by yourself(completely). also in regards to "sprucing up" your model with components DON'T include them in your model(maybee if you want you could show them in your renders if you GIVE CREDIT for them). anyways that sums it up, i look forward to seeing your model for next weeks challenge.

  39. i just ploaded my Retro Fridge for the competition, sorry it's kinda last minute.

  40. Think eye have an idea for an upcoming challenge.,,
    Ice Cream Scoop. Eye scream you screem? Either the Vintage/Retro, thumb operated, gear-y one or the multi compounded, circular, zinc alloy one. There's like no Ice Cream Scoopers in the entire Sketchup Warehouse world... think eyeLL try the later for kics.

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. @ a.j.unknow

    What rendering software do you use?

  43. @ Shinnah
    I use "Kerkythea" (free) You can download it here:
    Download the program and materials (textures)

  44. Sorry for the delay, but I'm going to try my best to get the new challenge up tonight. Hopefully I will...

  45. Thanks A.J.unknown for the free rendering software!

  46. Since i cheated in the past I have a good site for materials/textures. It has wood to metal to 360degree skyies! The images are great. Just download them and import into sketchup as a texture, they really help. I am trying to get you guys to like me more becuase you have a bad image of me so visit this site. It's a good one!

  47. thanks for the site but I already know about it(it is a great site for textures by the way). if you want us to like you more just don't cheat again, thats all that I would need. anyways i won't hold a grudge if you play fair next challenge.

  48. TD2013
    i think that you and me could be great friends so i accept you appology i was wondering if you have face book?

  49. 3D challenge idea!!

    Sunglasses or just glasses, they seem simple but i bet it would be hard to actually make them from scratch. there's actually a lot of curved faces on them when i think about it.

  50. Glad to see the challenge is still going strong! I also think its funny how intense people are about it too. Funny how competition does that. :)

  51. Hi everyone - just wanted to introduce ourselves to you all , me and my wife just got this program and have been playing around and she came accross the challenge and we like a challenge along with new things to keep us entertained haha. anyway we haven't been doing this but a few days and still trying to figure everything out , so hope you can put up with us, anyway we are having fun and looking forward to the next challenges -- thanks and good luck to all

  52. @Tinker Toy...You left me a comment on my kitchen model and said there were premade components. Where are they becuase i dont see them. The silverware isn't for the challange,it's for like when the challenge is done and someone looks at it. So i don't really know what your talking about.

  53. haha TD2013
    no one cares get a life and if the silver wear was for after why didn't you put it in AFTER the challenge was DONE just a suggestion

  54. It would be perfect if you upload the new challenge in a few hours, please² ... Just want to get the theme today. I know you haven't a lot of free time then, so thanks !

  55. My votes:
    1) Retro Blender - cloudedzero
    2) J. Rosie my kitchenhelp DesignsbyALX
    3) Corkscrew - a.j.unknow

  56. ******************************************************* VOTING MAY NOW START
    Plus the one above this.

  57. votes;

    3 Points; Corkscrew / A.J.Unknown
    -we don't know who AJ is, but we sure know he makes nice shapes! Excellent!

    2 Points; Retro Fridge/Freezer / Randomofodication
    -Not the best of them all, but i realy like the looks of it! Nice job...

    1 point goes to the Retro blender / Cloudedzero
    Nice model!

    Also compliments for Sketchosaurus' Toaster and AJ's Nespressomachine, and Andy's Microwave, not to forget the input from our Asian friends!

    @CrazyEyes; No entry this time?! :(

  58. @mega jeu
    I didn't feel like it

  59. My votes:

    3 points:
    J.Rosie my kitchenhelp by DesignsbyALX
    in my mind the most creative, very well done and oh so fast!

    2 points:
    Nespresso coffee machine by a.j.unknow
    probably the best done and i love the renders

    1 point:
    Retro Blender by cloudedzero
    very well done, original, nice and clean model. I also love the overall styling and feel of the model.

  60. @ dracoscove,
    you unfortunately put the wrong tags on your models. they were nice though, i know when i started i wasn't as good as you (and i still have a llloootttt to learn) so keep up the good work!

  61. Me and the wife are voting together until we set up another account
    3 points corkscrew A.J.unknow
    2 points retro blender cloudezero
    1 point toaster sketchosaurus

    thanks for the compliment random =) and also the heads up on the tag

    they all look good by the way

  62. My votes.

    3 points:
    J.Rosie my kitchenhelp by DesignsbyALX.

    2 points:
    Retro Blender by cloudedzero.

    1 point:
    Nespresso coffee machine by a.j.unknow.

  63. All right great entry this week kinda making it hard to vote!

    But there are some that stand out..

    3 points

    Nespresso coffee machine

    Just download it

    2 points

    J.Rosie my kitchenhelp

    The jetsons So original

    1 point


    Good grouping and texture


  64. Damn, I didn't get a single vote. Oh well. My votes are:

    1st Place: Expresso Oasis by francis_nyc
    2nd Place: Nespresso Coffee Machine by AJ Unknow
    3rd Place: J. Rosie by DesignsbyALX

  65. My votes:
    3pts for Corkscrew by a.j.unknow
    2pts for toaster by sketchosaurus
    1pts for Retro Blender by cloudezero

  66. My votes:

    3pts for Retro Blender by cloudezero
    2pts for Nespresso Coffee Machine by AJ Unknow
    1pts for Corkscrew by a.j.unknow

  67. My votes
    3 points to "J.Rosie my kitchenhelp" by DesingsbyAlx
    3 points to "Retro blender" by cloudedzero
    1 point to "Chinese dining utensils" by TAN TUNNY

  68. Hmm, just killing time till next challenge ;) I edited my Rosie, Ferrari style. The F1car, i build and UVmapped it with Blender!

    My latest render

  69. 3 Points for:
    Retro Blender by cloudedzero
    -perfect kitchen accessory!-

    2 Points for:
    Corkscrew by a.j.unknow
    -Dam* fine modeling!-

    1 Point for:
    Nespresso coffee machine by a.j.unknow
    -Again, Dam* fine modeling!-

  70. ******************************************************* VOTING IS NOW CLOSED

  71. Totals
    Corkscrew - A.J.Unknown = 12

    Retro Fridge/Freezer - Randomofodication = 2

    Retro blender - Cloudedzero = 15

    J.Rosie my kitchenhelp - DesignsbyALX = 12

    Nespresso coffee machine - a.j.unknow = 11

    toaster - sketchosaurus = 4

    Expresso Oasis - francis_nyc = 3

    Chinese dining utensils - TAN TUNNY = 1
