
08 April 2009

3D Challenge #080 - Playground

For this week, the challenge is to model a Playground, or a peice of playground equipment. This could be things like Swings, a jungle gym, or maybe a slide of some type. Use your imagination and think back to when you were younger of what you enjoyed most!
Have fun and bring back some memories!

3D Warehouse tag: 3d challenge 080

Due Date: Wed, April 15th (Challenge Closed)

1st Place

DesignsbyALX For THE Playground

DF Andy For PLayground with tube and sandbox

2nd Place

Dracoscove For Pirateship playground

3rd Place

Dilbert For Playground

Chris Bence For Water Park Playstructure

Click here to see the currently submitted models for this challenge.


  1. General Notes:
    There will no obligation for a blog entry anymore. It is still allowed to post a link to your model or additional images, but it is not required anymore to submit a model to the challenges. The 3D Warehouse tag is still required though and should be added when uploading a model to the Warehouse.

    You can use the hyperlink code creator on the frontpage of the blog to create the code for a hyperlink in your message. Copy this code and paste it in the comment box on the place where your want the hyperlink to be.

    Challenge suggestions are welcome to be placed on the blog. Items will be noted and compiled on the moderator’s list. At that point, the initial comment for the suggestion may be deleted so as to maintain a streamline challenge thread for use of posting entries for the challenge and comments to models. Challenge suggestions have always been welcomed and taken under consideration.

    Please refrain from using background images in your models as it is the model itself that is being judged.

    You'll notice a new link on the main page that directs you to the First Place Certificate area to which winners are able to print a certificate with a picture of their model detailing their excellence. You can access the page through the main page of the blog.

    Good Luck and have fun!!!

  2. Uploaded my cableway.
    Hope you'll like it.


    Greetings HenkieTenk

  3. flipping heck that's a large subject, but I'm in

  4. aw dang, i'll try my hardest to do something...i've got a family reunion thingy in Sasktchewan.

  5. my entry:

  6. francis_nyc@everyone
    My challenge entry is up and running. It depicts my playground... circa early 60's when I wasn't out in Scranton for summer with my Uncle Vinny and his FixIt shop. The city street. This street. One of many identical streets throughout the Five boroughs. The download consists of Five Sketchup Scenes and pulls back each time to give one a pretty good overall view.
    Hope you like.

    PS: Thnx for voting me Second with my Snorkelers Camera.

  7. I finished my model and the renders today, you can see them here .
    I hope you like it, have fun !

    Playground with inside space

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Hw long is this one? i dont think i am going to make the deadline!

  10. Boy, this challenge was much better than the last one. You can find my entry here:

  11. In fact, have you stopped adding the models into collections or it's just temporary ?

  12. @ DesignsbyALX

    Hey Nijmegenaar! (ik kom uit de buurt) Mooie speeltuin heb je daar! Ben zelf ook een "toestel aan het maken. Meer het Leemkuil idee :P


  13. *updated playground*

    Now it's real playground!



  14. Great, I love your new arrangements !
    And you made me wanna add some more things, so I did.

  15. @ Henkie Tenk;

    Daar heb ik ook aan zitten denken!
    Ik ben uiteindelijk voor dit idee gegaan omdat het wat meer variatie biedt! En zo kunnen mensen zelf ook weer een beetje spelen! ;)

  16. @ Dilbert™

    of course the slide was made with sketchup.

  17. @ all

    Does anyone has a trick to make a slide a little more quickly? I made a spiral and then follewed it with a cirkle. Then you have a spiral tube. Not that difficult. But making the slide open like mine is a lot more time-consuming! I had to draw lines on the tube and then erase the upper half. I already tried it with a spiral and a half circle, but that doesn't work --> the slide will be upside down at the end.

    Anyone any suggestions?

  18. well here it is - not actually a normal playground but my imagination is not normal haha - this is ship 1 of many that will end up being the whole set - shown here with swimming pool for the diving plank effect - but will eventually have a pond with several ships of different types to complete the whole area - just didn't have time for all - also somehow i managed to acidentally load it into google earth and can't figure out how to get it out but working on it =)
    anyway hope you like it i had fun and still having fun

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. @ ChrisBence

    I create separate folders for each project, a file name is not necessary for me. And I worked on its several days not at once, that would be crazy. haha :P

  21. Everyone seems to have done good on this challenge. I don't have an entry this week but you can see what I worked on this week: Star Wars CrawlIt's the opening crawl for Star Wars: A New Hope done in SketchUp. Play the animation to see it. Enjoy

  22. ******************************************************* VOTING MAY NOW START

  23. 3pts to playground cableway by henkietenk

    2pts to THE playground by DesignsbyALX

    1pt to playgroun dby COL 1

  24. Ok guys , heres my try at the playground, hope u all like it , drove me nuts making it ;-P , and im sure its no where close to my hubby's ship , let me know what ya think , P.s. all of you guys did a great job on yours!

  25. 3:dracoscove
    Nice idea, and nice work. Some suggestions; some things have zero thickness, like the half-barrel and the windows in the back of the ship aren't fitting well.

    2: DesignsbyALX
    Good componentwork, but als a bit to much. The model looks very big and complex, but at the end, its al the same component. But nonetheless, it works out! Good job!

    1: Moboille
    Good chains, nice idea and nice model! Maybe using some brighter colors, may help it look more childish

    And the are more good models, but I haven't got any points left!

  26. Tatatataaaa, my points for this weeks challenge;

    3 points go to Dilbert, for his great looking hubs! Overall not the best playground, but personaly, i like that look!

    2 point go to DF Andy. It sure as h*ll looks like mine, ( ;) ) so i can do nothing else than award you with these points!

    1 point goes to Chris Bence for his Water Park Playstructure. Nice colors, and probable the most fun playground (for me anyways)'cause water adds a lot of fun!

    WHAT's NEXT? ;)

  27. tough voting the are all good , so i went with what looked fun to me =)

    3 points underwater playground - by JD - although no entrance it's a great idea looks like a barrel o fun =)

    2 points cableway - by henkie tenk , i have always wanted to do one of these at my moms on the river and still might one day =)

    1 point the playground - by designs by alx , i used to do alot of underground forts with my pals when a kid although i would have made more of it underground it's still good job =)

  28. Oh and by the way designs by ALX the second entry was my wife =) we just haven't made another account yet - also we just got a new house and in the process of moving so not alot of time - hopefully we can do another challenge before we move because it might be a few weeks before we get to do another but we'll be back

  29. @Dracoscove;
    Gdm, i wish i had a wife like that. Mine realy doesn't like Sketchup. :(
    And for the underground remark; I started on a B vesion with a bigger basement, but halfway through, i thought hey what the heck, let's leave it at my original entry! And next to this, i just hope that somepeople make their own versions, wich would proof to me it's a playable model!

    Where the H is that next challenge?! It's almost Friday!!!

  30. @ henkie tenk - thnx for my first vote =) and yes some things are kinda done in a crude manner - lol more than just what you pointed out but i spent so much time on the rest of it i kinda got in a hurry to try and finish - but i am doing a few more ships to go with it for a final product since it was so much fun and will change a few things to improve it

  31. Terribly Sorry everyone!
    It's going to be probably another few hours before I get the new challenge up. I'm quite busy at the moment, so bear with me!

  32. my votes:

    3 points:PLayground with tube and sandbox by DF_Andy
    like the slide and the renders, overall style is great.

    2 points:Playground with inside space by Moboille
    cool as heck! and i love the climbing wall.

    1 points:Playground by Sketchosaurus®
    looks almost identical to the picture!

    there were a ton of great models this challenge.

  33. Yay! I got a vote!

    My votes are:

    3 points: Pirate Ship Playground by Dracoscove.

    2 points: Water Park Playstructure by ChrisBence.

    1 point: Playground with Tube and Sandbox by DF Andy.

  34. 3 points: THE Playground by DesignsbyALX
    2 points: Water Park Playstructure by ChrisBence
    1 point: Playground by Dilbert™

    finally a good voting system !!!!!

  35. 3 points for the playground by DesignsbyALX
    2 points for playground by Dilbert™
    1 points for Water Park Playstructure by ChrisBence

  36. I was just about to ask how to vote... Now I get it!

    3 points for DF_Andy. I like the slide!

    2 points for ALX. Good as always.

    1 point for dracoscove. I'm impressed with the ship! Although I think the rest could have been improved to match the quality of the ship.

  37. 3 POINTS:DF_Andy
    good slide, and I like your rope bridge things

    2 POINTS:Pirateship playground
    by dracoscove
    I like the cannons, but there is not thickness to the hull, which bothers me.

    1 POINT:Playground Cableway by HenkieTenk

  38. ******************************************************* VOTING IS NOW CLOSED
