
06 December 2010

Sketchup 3D Challenge #113 - A Small Planet!

Google Sketchup 3D Challenge presents 3D Challenge #113:

A Small Planet!

Sunday December 5th, 2010 - Wednesday December 15th 2010

Voting closed.
Winner announced in next challenge's post.

Entry Models

Inspired by Sketchmaster Tóth's suggestion of designing a complete star system, we decided to keep it a little smaller; Design you own small planet! The image above shows the small planet of The Little Prince, by Antoine De Saint-Exupéry. If you need inspiration for your own planet, in the book you can find several ideas for different kinds of planets.

3D Warehouse tag: "3D Challenge 113"

The winner of previous 3D Challenge #112 - Future Kitchen is:

Votes are being counted...


  1. Hi Milo,

    What about the new challenge? Now I have some time and can't wait to start modeling!


  2. If you had the necessary skills and talents to contribute something in this field, you'd already be busy doing it instead of reading a yahoo answer from some dickwad like me.

    new robot
