
14 February 2011

Sketchup 3D Challenge #118 - Fancy Stapler

Google Sketchup 3D Challenge presents 3D Challenge #118:

Fancy Stapler

Sunday 13th of Februari, 2010 - Sunday 27th of Februari, 2010

Entry Models

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What does everyone use in the office? The simple under-appreciated Stapler. What would we do without this incredible object? Model the fanciest stapler you've ever seen or dreamed of (assuming that your dreams are about stapler). You can even make a stapleless stapler, invented in 1910. So thank you, Louis XV, for whom the first stapler was designed in the 18th century. And Thank you, Agentscout, for this great idea!

3D Warehouse tag: "3D Challenge 118"

The winner of previous 3D Challenge #117 - Favorite Teddybear is:

Ck's model Knut! Congratulations with your first place! It was a close call, but in the end, Crazy Eyes finished second with his Teddy Bear.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Be patient, GoldenSim, next challenge will be a real tough one. And, you're right! We completely missed the fact that this challenge subject was already used for #016. Thank you for pointing this out. We'll discuss if the subject can be changed, as there are already 2 submissions.

  3. bah!! sorry for my negativity :P i manage to make a stapler look (cool) hehe!! you already know next challenge? what! cars , planes , boats / Mens ? lol

  4. Yep, I think I won that one back then with this model of an antique stapler:

    Can I just resubmit??? :-)

  5. Well, that wouldn't be fair, would it Eric.

  6. lol rules #4- Your model must be created specifically for the challenge, or in other words you must create something new during week challenge. This also means you may NOT use existing components, standard shapes or models from the Sketchup library or the 3D warehouse.

  7. I hope the new challenge will be something architectural... or.... what about clothes? If I remember well, it never happened yet...

  8. I think clothes or fashion is a good idea.

  9. ? were is next challenge and previous challenge winner ?

  10. Just a sec, I've been in Paris the previous 6 days. I didn't have acces to the internet. Anyway, clothes it is!

  11. Goodbye Knut, you're super star!
