
21 March 2011

Sketchup 3D Challenge #120 - Ray Gun

Google Sketchup 3D Challenge presents 3D Challenge #120:

Ray Gun

Monday 21st of March 2011 - Wednesday 30th of March 2011
Challenge Closed

Click Here to Vote!
(Link goes to comment page...)

Entry Models

Design your own Ray Gun! Take this Challenge
with the most creative SciFi hightech weapon, that
can conquer any extraterrestrial alien lifeform.

3D Challenge tag: "3D Challenge 120"

The winner of previous 3D Challenge #119 - Sweater is:

GoldenSim, with his beautiful Custom ** SWEATER with hoodie! It was a neck-to-neck race, with GoldenSim finishing with 11 points, while Cathy Tritschler and Moboille share second place with 10 points. So the honour goes to you all!

The winner of 3D Challenge #118 - Fancy Stapler is:

The awesome Happy Daffy stapler by CK! Congratulations, you've really deserved this! The model looks crazy, and -of course- Fancy.

Dear 3D Challengers, please note, that every
first place certificate until Challenge #117 is
now to be viewed online. Click Here!


  1. We already did this challenge, it was challenge 32. Why do we do it again?

  2. I missed challenge 32, I'm in.

  3. Hahaha, should I enter this and try to win again? That would be cool :D

  4. never done a gun .this will be cool :)

  5. I think it's the challenge people overwhelmingly wanted, not me but I'm going to try to create something though...

  6. Dear 3D Challengers,

    Again a subject we've already had! This will NOT happen a third time. I am right now putting together a list of all of the 117 different subjects we've had over the past four years. Thank you for understanding!

    3D Challenge moderator

  7. thanks Milo .. and thanks all for the votes .. hey milo do you vote ?

    Nice job CK great stapler!!

  8. Thanks Milo, GoldenSim, all points from voter and all comments.

    I know, sometime it hard to make a choice for next challenge topic. However, whatever next topic is, I'll try to do something if I have time.

  9. Hey GoldenSim,

    No, I don't vote. I think I shouldn't vote, because I know some of you personally. Moreover, the organizer of an election himself usually doesn't vote.

    Have fun designing your ray guns!

  10. Firearms aren't my favorite subject, but I've done something anyway :
    "The important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle, the essential thing is not to have conquered but to have fought well. " (Pierre de Coubertin)

  11. Dear Sketchp 3D Challengers,

    3D Challenge #120 - Ray Gun, is at its end, let the voting begin! Anyone may vote:

    You may make 3 votes.
    - your First choice is worth 3 points,
    - your Second worth 2 points,
    - your Third worth 1 point,
    You may also make a comment, if you wish, on why you chose each model.

    View the models through the 'Entry Models'-link in the blogpost.

    Good luck!

  12. hard to decide!!
    1st - Ray Gun by TESLER✈... for the incredible details
    2 - The Afterburner by aNgRyWaFfLeS AZ ... for details and the look
    3 - Ray Gun by HenkieTenk ... for his clean looking and very original cannon

    Next challenge i would love to do a
    1-Fast/speed/racing Boat
    2-sewing machine
    3-Skate park

  13. I was always under the impression that the end date for the challenge indicated the last day to submit an entry. But besides that I only was able to get my model about 60% done due to some stuff that came up that took precedence over working on the challenge.
    My entry was going to be Boba Fett's EE-3 Carbine Rifle blaster from Star Wars - Return of the Jedi. I fully intend to finish it and post it nonetheless.
    Nice work on your entries guys.

  14. Lots of neat entries. Very good topic.

    1ST-GoldenSim's Ray machine gun(2)
    2ND-Crazy Eyes' Raygun
    3RD- Sketchmaster Tóth's KGB Hairdryer

    For the next contest, I would not mind doing another neat machine of some kind. I always find those the most fun.

  15. I guess I should vote :) It's really tough this time! Golden Sim went cRAYzy. 4 great entries man.

    1st 3pts. - Ray Gun - TESLER✈ - Doctor Frankinstein called, he wants his gun back! Amazing details and imagination.

    2nd 2pts. - Customized Ray pistol by Golden Sim - Very inventive and retro. Great modelling and textures.

    3rd 1pt. - The Afterburner - aNgRyWaFfLeS AZ - This could do some serious damage even when it's power runs out. Nice detail work. I think it looks as good in solid color.

  16. Hard to choose this week, there is a lot of good models...

    3 points for Ray Gun by TESLER, model very clean with a lot of parts

    2 points for Customized Ray pistol by GoldenSim, I love the look like an old cartoon

    1 point for Afterburner by aNgRyWaFfLeS AZ, imaginative and also very detailled

  17. I say GoldenSim won by a smidge with his Customised Ray Pistol, followed by TESLER and aNgRyWaFfLeS AZ.

  18. 3 to Customized Ray pistol by GoldenSim
    2 to Ray Gun by TESLER✈
    1 to The Afterburner by aNgRyWaFfLeS AZ

    It was dificult to wote. I hesitated for a long time between HenkieTenk and GoldenSim's ray machine guns. Btw,
    Jedi Charles I thought you will entry Vader's planet destroyer.

  19. Three points for "Ray Gun" by TESLER✈, which is my favourite, thanks to the details and the perfect textures, notably.

    Two points for "Ray machine gun (2)" by GoldenSim, I really like the fluent style of it.

    A single point for "The Afterburner" by aNgRyWaFfLeS AZ

    Aftewards come cathy.tritschler and HenkieTenk and all the others, of course...
    Congratulations to all!

    For next challenge, I would see an opera or a theatre. But I know I won't be seconded :)

  20. 3 points to Customized Ray pistol by GoldenSim for the style and desing
    2 points to Alien Ray-Gun by GoldenSim for his imagination and scary looking thing
    1 point to Ray Gun Ray Gun by TESLER✈for details and textures

  21. tanks Plouc ... were is next challenge ?

  22. Next Challenge (#121) will start on Sunday, when the voting ends. Sorry about the confusion!

  23. HaHa, this time Milo is just going to fool us all. It's 1st of April. :)

  24. 3:Ray Gun by TESLER✈
    2:Customized Ray pistol by GoldenSim
    1:KGB hair dryer by Sketchmaster Tóth

  25. I guess we already know who wins :( great job!!

  26. For next challenge, I've got the idea of an art gallery...

  27. Thank for voting everyone! Voting is now closed. I was kinda busy today, so Challenge #121 will be posted tomorrow afternoon.
    Has everyone noticed the mythical creatures in GE on April 1st? Also, everyone should definitely check out this google website:

