
20 November 2011

SketchUp 3D Challenge #131 - Banks

Sunday, 20 November 2011 - Wednesday, 30 November 2011

View Entry Models | Status: Finished

For this challenge you will be asked to Occupy SketchUp and model a bank. Piggy banks while cute and oh so cuddly in a cold, hard, porcelain kind of way, but they do not apply to this challenge. We are talking about commercial banks, the kind where you deposit your hard earned cash and fees begin to dwindle down your balance.

You can design a hometown branch, a credit union, a big institutional city bank with elaborate Gothic architecture or anything in between. In addition to this you may choose to model a bank of the past, present or future. And please, no mattresses, coffee cans or anything shoe involved because that may indicate you actually do that...

All standard participation rules apply.

3D Warehouse Tag: 3D Challenge 131

The winner of previous 3D Challenge #130 - Flying Cars is...

Marian87 with his aptly named model: Flying Car
Click here to see more renders on deviantART.


  1. You can do a car themed bank. Perhaps a drive-up only bank?

  2. Congrats Marian87 :-) again awesome job. Hey all ok so happy Turkey day one and all. I thought since we are building a building it would be fun to post some "construction scenes" before this model is complete so I will be posting to my Picasa album throughout the week and weekend. Enjoy..

    Ash :-)

  3. Oh your welcome. I always love renders. Oh and thanks to you all who have commented or gmailed me about my bank construction I am having way to much fun with this challenge I can't wait to submit it tonite for everyone to see

  4. It looks like I will be extending this challenge if there are not enough entries. However, I will not delay the start of the next challenge so I can keep the site going smoothly.
    In the meantime, please make some suggestions for the next challenge.

  5. Figures I didn't see this and I submitted mine :) well there r 2 of us one more makes a contest lol. What are the rules about tweaking and resubmitting to the warehouse before you close this I can make more fur nature lol

  6. After some thought I have decided not to extend the deadline for this challenge. It would not be fair to the one person who faithfully worked on their model and finished in time to give more time to others who did not. If there are no additional entries by 5:00PM PST today I will declare SketchUp-Diva the winner.

    You are able to continue making changes to your entry model until the deadline whether or not it has already been uploaded to the warehouse. If you want to make a few more changes then you have until 5:00PM PST today to upload the final version.

  7. Thank you for the update.. Also as an FYI there was one more little entry but I only found by accident searching the warehouse from work. I bet his Tag is wrong. if you go in and search for challenge 131 both ours come up... Thank you for the recognition so far though :-)

  8. -----
    Challenge closed, thanks for the great entries.
    Let's start the voting!

    Because there are just two entries this time please vote for just your favorite entry.
    You may also make a comment, if you wish, on why you chose each model.

    Please also take a moment to suggest a future topic for the challenge.

    Good luck!


  9. 1st - SketchUp-Diva Great work!

    suggestions :
    >"Land" personal transportation vehicle
    >Armor"using a Men from the warehouse or(3D Me)"
    >"Recreational" Winter vehicle

  10. So I could do the democratic thing and show up on election day and secretly vote for myself, but then again I can't do that here :-)

    ?I did want to however throw out I love idea of vehicle of some sorts but it might be too close to the last car one. But then again this girl loves anything to do with structures space or things that move. Oh yeah if I can get kerkythea to accept my lighting calculations I might be able to add a couple night renders to the picasa album. Well talk to u all soon


  11. I know just the topic. Stay tuned...
