
06 May 2013

Vote Now: SketchUp 3D Challenge #174 - Waterslide

Challenge #174 - Waterside has come to a close. Thanks for the great entries! Let's start the voting!
To vote, first review the entries, then create a comment on this post using the following example:

3 points: first place model name by modeler name
2 points: second place model name by modeler name
1 points: third place model name by modeler name

New: Participants in the challenge will now receive a bonus point for their entry if they also make a suggestion for a future challenge when they vote.

You may also make a comment, if you wish, on why you chose each model. Please also take a moment to suggest a future topic for the challenge.

Good luck!

Current Challenge: #175 - Classroom: 06 May 2013 - 16 May 2013
3D Warehouse Tag: 3D Challenge 175


  1. 3 points: Choose your path by a.j.unknow

    2 points: Water Slide by HenkieTenk

    1 point: 3D Challenge 174by Samcro

    suggestion: "HPV" Humain powered vehicles

  2. All these models are crazy :) Congrats !

    3 points : Atlantis Park by GoldenSim

    2 points : Choose your path by a.j.unknow

    1 point : Water Slide by HenkieTenk

  3. 3 points for: Choose your path by a.j.unknow

    2 points for: Atlantis Park by GoldenSim

    1 point for: 3D Challenge 174 by Samcro

    Apparently not a very popular subject for this challenge.

    Next time: paraglider motorized?

  4. 3 points: Atlantis Park by GoldenSim
    2 points: Water Slide by HenkieTenk
    1 point: 3D Challenge 174by Samcro
    Suggestion: The world of Playmobil

  5. -----
    Voting is now closed. Thanks for your votes!
