
30 September 2013

Vote Now: SketchUp 3D Challenge #188 - Hotel Room

Challenge #188 - Hotel Room has come to a close. Thanks for the great entries! Let's start the voting!
To vote, first review the entries, then create a comment on this post using the following example:

3 points: first place model name by modeler name
2 points: second place model name by modeler name
1 points: third place model name by modeler name

New: Participants in the challenge will now receive a bonus point for their entry if they also make a suggestion for a future challenge when they vote. Please indicate the username you use in the 3D Warehouse if it differs from the one you use to submit your vote.

You may also make a comment, if you wish, on why you chose each model. Please also take a moment to suggest a future topic for the challenge.

Good luck!

Current Challenge: #189 Video Game Character: 30 September 2013 -  10 October 2013
3D Warehouse Tag: 3D Challenge 189


  1. 3 points: first place Capsule hote by Sylvie Zennirt
    2 points: second place CHAMBRE HOTEL by cathy.tritschler
    1 points: third place Habitació hotel by Jordi Audet

    Challenge suggestions:

    AirYacht, Private Jet INTERIOR. How can you make a cramped space into a luxury retreat. With a maximum of 2500mm radius interior (2700 Exterior). This is about the size of smaller, regional, narrow body, single aisle, commercial airliner and the bigger or medium business jets. Examples to be go-ogled. Make the sky's the place be.

    POWERCRUISER, powerboats exist... (, speed-cruisers exist... (, I didn't found a combination yet, Combine the two and fill a gap the rich didn't knew it excised. The different thing in designing a boat is to determine the size, well take the the maximum transport size. Transporting it by road is a lot cheaper than over the water. The Powerboats are exactly within those limits. The size maximum of the vessel should be: width 3'000mm, length 16'000mm, height 3'500mm, so it can be transported across Europe as normal Cargo on a truck, it's in dutch but you will understand PAGE 6 these are European rules. The regulation in other continents will not differ a lot. We need a size contamination. Can you make a practical cruiser with the dimensions, statistics and sleek/cool looks of a powerboat?...

  2. Thank you, Peter.

    Here are my votes :

    3 points for CHAMBRE HOTEL by cathy.tritschler (a lot of nice details and objects, a ton of work and a real concern for the overall aesthetic)
    2 points for Hexagon Hotel by DALEXD
    1 point for Pyramid Loft Hotel Room by Peter Bloot.

    For a next challenge, I would suggest a picnic set or an african mask.

  3. 3 points for Hexagon Hotel by DALEXD, nice design
    2 points for Capsule hotel by samothrace41, a lot of small details
    1 point for Habitació hotel by par Jordi Audet, nice bedspread folds

  4. -----
    Voting is now closed. Thanks for your votes!
