
13 January 2014

Vote Now: SketchUp 3D Challenge #198 - Rockets

Challenge #198 - Rockets has come to a close. Thanks for the great entries! Let's start the voting!
To vote, first review the entries, then create a comment on this post using the following example:

3 points: first place model name by modeler name
2 points: second place model name by modeler name
1 points: third place model name by modeler name

Participants in the challenge will receive a bonus point for their entry if they also make a suggestion for a future challenge when they vote. Please indicate the username you use in the 3D Warehouse if it differs from the one you use to submit your vote.

You may also make a comment, if you wish, on why you chose each model. Please also take a moment to suggest a future topic for the challenge.

Good luck!

Current Challenge: #199  Bell Tower: 13 January '14 - 23 January '14
3D Warehouse Tag: 3D Challenge 199


  1. 3 points: A Grand Day Out by nottamun
    2 points: Rocket tea infuser by samothrace41
    1 points: Space Launch System block I and LC-39b by francescotassoni747
    Hi from Argo Industries

  2. 3 points: NASA Experimental Missile by fil.f
    2 points: Rocket tea infuser by Sylvie Zennir
    1 points: Water Bottle Rocket by HanzoJ

    Assign a rating to these models is very difficult: all the participants have developed different beautiful ideas and lot of characterizations. However, the contest is based on modeling, and not on the graph impact (see also pdf rules published on this site). I downloaded all the files, and checked it each once for solid errors. I discarded some models whose faces weren't right way oriented: for a 3d contest it’s a bad mistake.

    My suggestion for a contest: the most original object present in a sci-fi movie.

  3. 3 points: NASA Experimental Missile by fil.f
    2 points: Russian Rocket by DALEXD
    1 points: Water Bottle Rocket by HanzoJ

  4. 3 points : NASA Experimental Missile by fil.f
    2 points : Russian Rocket by DALEXD
    1 point : Star Dozer by Sketchmaster Tóth

    For a next challenge, I would suggest a theater or cinema (interior) or a hairdressing salon.

  5. 3 points: NASA Experimental Missile by fil.f
    2 points: Russian Rocket by DALEXD (could be cleaner --> more intersections)
    1 points: Water Bottle Rocket by HanzoJ

    Was building a Steampunk themed rocket, but didn't have enough time to finish it. (I like details :D )

  6. 3 points: NASA Experimental Missile by fil.f
    2 points: Russian Rocket by DALEXD
    1 point: Space Launch System block I and LC-39b by francescotassoni747

  7. 3 points: NASA Experimental Missile by fil.f
    2 points: Water Bottle Rocket by HanzoJ
    1 point: Rocket tea infuser by samothrace41
    for a future challenge I suggest a computer component or a wind turbine

  8. -----
    Voting is now closed. Thanks for your votes!
