
23 April 2014

SketchUp 3D Challenge On-Hold

Dear Participants,

Due to changes made to the 3D Warehouse, The SketchUp 3D Challenge will be on-hold until further notice. I am currently looking into new ways to administer the challenge that will help bolster participation in the challenges. I will post the winners the previous two challenges on the regular schedule and see to it that the winner certificates get finished and posted to the winners page.

The SketchUp 3D Challenge has brought me great joy as a former participant and as the current administrator. The SketchUp 3D Challenge will return but until then I thank you for your participation and for your patience going forward..

Charles D. Rhodes
AKA JediCharles
SketchUp 3D Challenge Admin


  1. It's a pity that the challenges are over. It was my unique leisure those last months. For personal reasons, I had to give up but already planned to come back one day. I hope, Charles, you will find a new way to interest the most participants. See you.
    And thanks for the lot of fun it brang me.

  2. And... yes ! We are waiting for winners certificates ! :)

  3. The challenges will return but possibly in a new fashion. Stay tuned.

  4. Replies
    1. I am still working on the details on how I plan to proceed but they will return.

    2. Nothing new about the certificates ?

    3. CK told me yesterday that he will work on getting them done. I will post them once I get them.

    4. looking forward to their return!

  5. what's the scoop Charles? any news on when the challenges might return?

  6. Wow, i was planning on getting back to the challenge. I finally have lots of free time during the weekends.

    I hope it will return soon. ;p

  7. Oups :S bad timing to make a comeback i guess ...

  8. Hang in there, it's coming back soon!

  9. I think a year is enough of a break. I have to admit I was beginning to get burnt out. Let me have some time to get ready for Challenge 208. I will post the start date and solicit for topic suggestions to the blog soon.

    1. Cool , let me know by commenting on my latest model on the warehouse
