
07 May 2015

Vote Now: SketchUp 3D Challenge #208 - Subway Train

Challenge #208 - Subway Train has come to a close. Thanks for the awesome entries! Let's start the voting!

To vote, first review the entries, then create a comment on this post using the following example:

3 points: first place model name by modeler name
2 points: second place model name by modeler name
1 points: third place model name by modeler name

Participants in the challenge will receive a bonus point for their entry if they also make a suggestion for a future challenge when they vote. Please indicate the username you use in the 3D Warehouse if it differs from the one you use to submit your vote.

You may also make a comment, if you wish, on why you chose each model. Please also take a moment to suggest a future topic for the challenge.

Good luck!

Current Challenge: #209 Japanese Tea House: 7 May 2015 - 18 May 2015
3D Warehouse Tag: 3D Challenge 209


  1. 3pts Bombardier Flexity Swift tram in Cologne ARGO Industries

    2pts Subway Train aka Metro Sketchmaster Tóth

    1pt Métro Paris 1900 Samothrace41

    Suggestions : Tree house - Balcony/deck - Trailer/camper - pedalo/humain powered boat

  2. 3 points: Bombardier Flexity Swift tram in Cologne, ARGO Industries
    2 points: Métro de Montréal,GoldenSim
    1 point: Métro Paris 1900, samothrace41

  3. Becouse I do not like to download all modells for viewing all details, it is more about presentation / visualization in a hard condition for me:

    3pts Subway Train aka Metro, Sketchmaster Tóth
    2pts Bombardier Flexity Swift tram in Cologne, ARGO Industries
    1pt: Métro de Montréal, GoldenSim

    1. So if one has done a good job but he doesn't know how to set a proper presentation you judge it negatively.. I don't think this is how it works!

    2. I have to agree that it does a disservice to challenge participants to vote by best presentation because the SketchUp 3D Challenge is about the modeling. I will not disqualify your vote, but in the future, please review the models before coming to your decision.

    3. Fully agree with Marco, Charles and Sim..
      With my postcard as cover, he killed me ! :))

  4. if you can't take time to download , don't bother voting ^^ ...i hope you don't judge people by the cover like you just did with these model

  5. 3 points : Bombardier Flexity Swift tram in Cologne by ARGO Industries
    2 points : Métro de Montréal by GoldenSim
    1 point : Post-modern metro by Marco (sorry Toth, I did hesitate with your model which is a really nice work, but finally decided to encourage a new challenger)

    For a next challenge, I suggest an ironer and its table, a folding deck chair, I mean this
    or a pinball machine
    or a vintage juke box

  6. Sorry you all! Yesterday I noticed that my vote hasn't been submitted!

    3 points: Bombardier Flexity Swift tram in Cologne by ARGO Industries
    2 points: Subway Train aka Metro by SketchmasterToth
    1 points: Métro Paris by samothrace41

    For the next challenge I suggest modeling an antique radio - turntable like this one, for example:
    or maybe some particular cutlery!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Radio already done... Challenge 012

      You can find themes of previous challenges by reading the list of the winners here (several pages) :

      You will see that there are very few ideas left :)

  7. -----
    Voting is now closed. Thanks for your votes!
