
26 June 2015

Winner Announcement: Challenge #211: Tree Home

It's a tie! The winners of previous Challenge #211: Tree Home are...
Life in a Tree by Kaden L. and Tree House by Marco. Congratulations on your win! Your models are now featured on the SketchUp 3D Challenge Facebook page!

Current Challenge: #213 Vacuum Cleaners: 25 June 2015 - 06 July 2015
3D Warehouse Tag: 3D Challenge 213

1 comment:

  1. Note: The vote reflected a different winner, however, due to the new rule that you must submit a vote if you submit an entry, I was forced to exclude 3 entries from the results. Because of this, the entries that tied for 3rd place have been declared the winners. It was a painful decision but I was left with no choice.

    Here is the rule in question:
    "When the challenge period is over, you are required to submit a vote to help determine the winner of the challenge. Only those who vote are eligible to win. However, you do not have to submit a model in order to vote"
