
20 July 2015

Vote Now: SketchUp 3D Challenge #214: Lighthouse II

Challenge #214: Lighthouse II has come to a close. Thanks for the awesome entries! Let's start the voting!

To vote, first review the entries, then create a comment on this post using the following example:

3 points: first place model name by modeler name
2 points: second place model name by modeler name
1 points: third place model name by modeler name

- Participants in the challenge will receive a bonus point for their entry if they also make a suggestion for a future challenge when they vote.
- If you submit an entry, you must also vote.
- You may not vote for your own entry.
- Please indicate the username you use in the 3D Warehouse if it differs from the one you use to submit your vote.

You may also make a comment, if you wish, on why you chose each model. Please also take a moment to suggest a future topic for the challenge.

Good luck!

Current Challenge: #215 Gliders: 20 July 2015 - 30 July 2015
3D Warehouse Tag: 3D Challenge 215


  1. 3 points: first Forgotten Island Lighthouse by Sketchmaster Tóth: I like the scenic character of this model, also the old atmosphere that surrounds it. It has a tale to tell in his scenes and thats was that i liked
    2 points: second ARGO Light house by ARGO Industries: The ARGO proposal is not less than others,a very good job with an exceptional level of detail to this challenge, and a amazing journey through his scenes. Well done.
    1 points: -------

    I think that a farm or a wild west bar

  2. Hi folks. I guess most are on summer vacations. I must say i like all designs this time a lot. So here is my voting:
    3 points: first place light house by Rionepente
    3 points: first place forgotten island lighthouse by Sketchmaster Tóth
    2 points: second place ARGO Light house by ARGO INDUSTRIES
    1 points: third place... no idea

    Future topic: something about a summer adventure. This could be sail boat, an adventure truck, a camp, a jungle scenery or anything like this.

    1. Hi Argo, please revise your vote. You are not allowed to vote for yourself and only one model entry can receive 3 points. Thanks. For now, since you submitted an entry and there are just three entries,you may vote for the two remaining entries giving one 3 points and the other 2 points. I plan on clarifying the voting rules for cases where only two or three models are submitted in the new version of the participation manual but I don't have an ETA when it will be ready.

    2. Ok so i revise:
      3 points: first place light house by Rionepente
      2 points: first place forgotten island lighthouse by Sketchmaster Tóth

  3. 3 points: ARGO Light house made by ARGO Industries
    2 points: Lighthouse made by Rionepente

    suggestion: market stall (don't apply on empty stall, must be stored with wares)

  4. Hi !

    I don't have time enough to challenge this summer but I can admire your works.
    This challenge is high level of talent and I love the 3 models.
    Here is my voting :

    3 points for Forgotten Island Lighthouse by Sketchmaster Tóth (I love this concept ; as usual, your model is very creative !!! I also like all the scenes and titles...)
    2 points for ARGO Light house made by ARGO Industries (full of details)
    1 point for Light house by Rionepente

  5. 3 points - Lighthouse by Rionepente
    2 points - ARGO Light house by ARGO Industries
    1 point - Forgotten Island Lighthouse by Sketchmaster Tóth
    All three models are amazing, but Rionepente's took most of my affection, nice idea with the light beam and i love the look of the metal bars/fencing

    Oh, and about that "self-vote" rule, how about calling your non-sketchup relatives for voting? Or voting for yourself and doing so in the same # challenge? Because I've seen this case here not so long ago and I was delighted by the inspiration and commitment of this individual :)

  6. Salvio G., Naples, Italy
    Il mio voto è questo:
    3 punti per Forgotten Island Lighthouse di Sketchmaster Tóth: STUPENDO concept!!!
    2 punti per ARGO
    1 punto per Rionepente

  7. -----
    Voting is now closed. Thanks for your votes!
