
14 January 2009

3D Challenge #069 - Toothpaste and Brush

A week long challenge modelling a Toothpaste and brush set.
Good luck!

3D Warehouse tag: 3d challenge 069

Due Date: Wed, Jannuary 21th (Challenge closed)

Click here to see the currently submitted models for this challenge.

Curved Neck Toothbrush - JediCharles

2nd Place
Crazy Electric Toothbrush - Crazy Eyes

3rd Place
Total protection - a.j.unknow


  1. General Notes:
    There will no obligation for a blog entry anymore. It is still allowed to post a link to your model or additional images, but it is not required anymore to submit a model to the challenges. The 3D Warehouse tag is still required though and should be added when uploading a model to the Warehouse.

    You can use the hyperlink code creator on the frontpage of the blog to create the code for a hyperlink in your message. Copy this code and paste it in the comment box on the place where your want the hyperlink to be.

    Challenge suggestions are welcome to be placed on the blog. Items will be noted and compiled on the moderator’s list. At that point, the initial comment for the suggestion may be deleted so as to maintain a streamline challenge thread for use of posting entries for the challenge and comments to models. Challenge suggestions have always been welcomed and taken under consideration.

    Please refrain from using background images in your models as it is the model itself that is being judged.

    You'll notice a new link on the main page that directs you to the First Place Certificate area to which winners are able to print a certificate with a picture of their model detailing their excellence. You can access the page through the main page of the blog.

  2. WOW!!!

    this is probably the greatest idea for a challenge ive ever known.

  3. ill skip this sounds boring to me. I guess ill just be doing sci fi sketchup challanges because I love createing gundams im hooked.

  4. oh my goodness... what a WORTHLESS challenge... i have to wait 4 WEEKS to get a (hopefully) decent challenge... next week's better be good...

  5. i think this is awesome ... a way to see a sketchup-ers true potential .. and i'm not being sarcastic .. you can't get anywhere constantly doing scifi-gundam-battle-tanks.

    I love it and can't wait to see some detailed dental work!

  6. @ all
    Anonymous catch the challenge.
    Toothbrush could be very easy, I said could be, but you can model something more difficult, look at your favourite store.

    The real challenge is the toothpaste. Try not to model a simple cone, but try to create a real squeezed tube with logo's, indications on it. Smooth (and not casual) surfaces are hard to model in SU.
    Look at all the details such as the screw cap, round corners, final welding, etc.

  7. I agree with Anonymous and Cosedimarco. This one is a very good challenge.

  8. I want to suggest a few challenge ideas
    a Museum
    a Dream house
    there are a few more but no one would probably like
    a Frank Lloyd Wright type structure-
    that would cater to some sci-fi lovers out there and the architectural people, like me, out there also


  9. I don't mind the subject of this challenge. I'm already working on it!

  10. i think this is a really good idea. allows for a broad range of simple and complex models and if i wasn't in the middle of exams i would definitely enter.

  11. As for me, i dont model to improve my skill, i model to make something look cool and say "wow, i am the coolest sketcher ever" but sadly, when i make a tube of paste and a tooth scrubber...well...i start thinking "***** *** horrible *** ***** stuipid!!!"

    i hope you have beter ideas next tmie

    mr.jumpman v.3

  12. Settle down, jumpman...! :)

    This ain't a coolness competition, it's a chance to flex our modeling skills and perhaps get a little bit of recognition at the same time. Who cares that it's "just" a toothbrush and toothpaste. If you really are a good modeler you should able to make a toothbrush that people will marvel at... And that, my friend, would be very cool!

  13. yea...right...

    but what im saying is that i hate making boring old things that i see day and night, to see it on the computer makes it no beter.

    the simplest way i can put this is "tooth brushes are not what I, or mostly everyone else, likes to make."

    dont try and make anymore lame excuses, cause i know your just gonna repeat your last messages.

    mr.jumpman v.3



    ( moom's model was imported )

  15. @mr.jumpman v.2
    Pal, I'm sorry that you didn't like this challenge's subject; but that is that. We've come to (sadly) realize that we can't please everybody all the time, if ever. I have to agree with Andrew Alexander here. The Challenge's idea is to provide a means for you guys to flex some modeling muscle; to stretch your SU skills. A toothbrush model can be as elaborate and challenging (or as simple and dull) as each individual is willing and able to make it.

    IMHO, all your whining about it being , and here I quote several of your recent comments, a "horrible" and "stuipid" (sic) topic only hints to the rest of us that you don't feel capable of building a believable and realistic enough model yourself...

    Your attitude is, at best, ingrate towards those of us who spend a good part of our time and efforts in order to maintain this forum.

    Man, it is not, by any means, my intention to be rude, but if you don't like what we do and how we do it, nobody is forcing you to participate. Just don't think you are entitled to make demands. Because we love to do it, we honestly try to come up with worthy challenges week after week, but when we fail to please every single whim, I tell you, since none of us is getting paid for it, that's as far as we're willing to go.

    Way I see it, you can try and start a challenge of your own. Good luck with that.

  16. Personally this challenge sounds to me really interesting .So as soon as I saw the theme of the challenge I directly started creating ...

    Click here if you want to see the picassa's page .

    Green & Orange Toothbrush

  17. yea i guess that is true, sorry for sounding sounding so harsh.

  18. @ All
    This challenge is "toothbruh AND paste" And not "toothbrush OR Paste" ;)
    So please model both to enter the challenge, there's still a lot of time. :)

    @ Mr. Jumpman
    I can't understad what you're meaning about Moom model.
    the first one is a Toothbrush the second is a Custom car.....

  19. Hello Arteets_
    I posted two solutions. one for the old ponytails and sumthing totally different... but as soon as I saw number 69, eye meen 069 I jus had to.
    The Graphic Artist of America will agree its Art.
    Art sumething. But its Art. Plus its a bery low poly. Both I should say.

  20. @ erotinaka

    really cool model but 1 tiny thing stood out for me that you could correct in literally under a minute...

    on the top side of the tube on the side away from the toothbrush there is a 'kink' and its really highlighted when theres shadows on. if you use the flip edge tool on it it looks loads better. cool model.

  21. Been a looong time since I don't model a thing, so here's this:
    toothbrush & toothpaste

    And here's a little image album:
    Picasa Album

    For the record, it was a very fun challenge. I certainly stretched some sketchuppin' muscle with this one.


  22. I am not doing this challenge due to the fact of my last models of Italianate architecture were probably my toughest and I need a little break until next week but I wold Like to do this but I just need a less detail and not so hard challenge. Thanks for supporting my modeling.

  23. My entry is withdrawn. After Zero at 068. No more. I would rather be married, again.

  24. We apologise for this comment, but we are contacting you with regards to the google sketchup 3d challenge. We are creating a secondary google sketchup challenge, at this link . It will be more of a community than the origional, with more challenges more often, and we will be accepting ideas for challenges, in categories such as technology, architecture, fantasy and more. Please have a look and if you like, become a follower. We hope to hear from you to help us make this a success.



  25. I applaud Oscar for his comments; explaining how all who are not satisfied with the challenge, can take a flying leap. He has done well to tell all of you who; wont model something "basic" or "uncool" to learn some real skills or just go away until a challenge that fits your interests comes along. There were plenty of other modelers who quietly sat bye, while you enjoyed your >Gundams<.

    So: this one is for the rest of us.

  26. @ Crazy Eyes & moboille
    Please insert the toothpaste too , to enter the challenge.

  27. thats pretty strict, don't you think?

  28. Uploaded mine. Hope you'll like it!

  29. How about a "minimaze" competition. You have to create model, then create small maze going inside it?

  30. Little slideshow to explain why I do 3d Challenges. I was somewhat Inspired by the conversation which the topic generated. I long ago came to a conclusion that topics like "toothbrush and toothpaste" help me learn sketchup better than a lot of other topics might. I hope you all enjoy it. And please take the time to view all of the scenes.

    Link to the 3d Warehouse page:
    Why I 3d Challenge

    Kerkythea renderings may follow (if I ever decide to get a picassa or whatnot).

  31. @ ninthearch (and all... sort of)

    cool presentation and i can see what you're saying and i agree, but recently the chalanges have been getting VERY specific. for example 'a gundam which already exists'. whereas a long time ago, even in the open challenges, which were a more communal version of what everything is today the chalanges were always quite general so instead of 'tooth-brush AND toothpaste and if you dont do both you cant enter' it would have been 'bathroom theme'. this catered to all skill levels, gave everyone a better chance at finding something they wanted to model and meant that you werent waiting for over a month for a chalange that you like.

    really liked your toothpaste btw :)

  32. @ Henry

    But when a theme is to big/broad then you will get a porblem with rating. Someone can make the best shower there is or someone else makes the best water-closet. Which model should win then? I also think it would be better if the challenge-voting is more public. Maybe on de main-page op the 3D-warehouse?? Or are there more of these challenges? I only particpate in this one.


    I created a toothpaste too (beside the toothbrush) but I decided to render only the toothpaste due to the fact that my toothpaste is, according to me, a little too common .
    Hope that's OK .

  34. @ Moboille
    Thanks. Added to the collection.

  35. @ henkie tenk

    i see what you're saying with regards to it being a problem if a challenge was too vague - how would we rate models against each other.

    i can truthfully say, however, that (in my opinion) it was never too vague that it was a problem a problem. below is a link to the entries for open-challenge 3 which was 'tools' (or just search for openchallenge#3 on the warehouse).

    in my opinion its clear which would be contenders and which wouldn't because i believe its more of a test of 'modeling' rather than 'modeling a toothbrush and toothpaste' for example.

  36. Entry: Curved Neck Toothbrush w/Toothpaste

    If you've already seen my entry, take a look again because I just added a Kerkythea rendering as a scene.

  37. When can we start voting?

  38. Yea, I won! Thanks to those who voted for my entry.
