
21 January 2009

3D Challenge #070 - Golf Cart

This weeks challenge is to model a Golf Cart. Go into as much detail as possible if you wish, as you can even model the engine and drive components if you feel up to the challenge. Lets see some nice models for this weeks challenge, and as always....
Good luck!!!!!

3D Warehouse tag: 3d challenge 070

Due Date: Wed, January 28th (Challenge Closed)

Click here to see the currently submitted models for this challenge.

Electro Inc. - Death Cloud

2nd Place
Blue Cart - a.j.unknow

3rd Place Tie
Custom Electric Club Car - JediCharles
Flintstones' Golf cart - StarbucksDesigns


  1. General Notes:
    There will no obligation for a blog entry anymore. It is still allowed to post a link to your model or additional images, but it is not required anymore to submit a model to the challenges. The 3D Warehouse tag is still required though and should be added when uploading a model to the Warehouse.

    You can use the hyperlink code creator on the frontpage of the blog to create the code for a hyperlink in your message. Copy this code and paste it in the comment box on the place where your want the hyperlink to be.

    Challenge suggestions are welcome to be placed on the blog. Items will be noted and compiled on the moderator’s list. At that point, the initial comment for the suggestion may be deleted so as to maintain a streamline challenge thread for use of posting entries for the challenge and comments to models. Challenge suggestions have always been welcomed and taken under consideration.

    Please refrain from using background images in your models as it is the model itself that is being judged.

    You'll notice a new link on the main page that directs you to the First Place Certificate area to which winners are able to print a certificate with a picture of their model detailing their excellence. You can access the page through the main page of the blog.

    Good Luck and have fun!!!

  2. I will do it, I think it's a good challenge!

  3. c'mon, give me something better will ya. I can't model cars or golf carts. I f you see those cars I made last year I didn't make the body just the wheels. I mean Architecture is my only subject I do or furniture or interior design none of this tech stuff, or cars or tooth brush and tooth paste so do some better for the next challenge like a museum people could make a sci fi museum or art museum or anything such. Please don't cater to certain types of modelers it is discriminating to people who don't do those types of things.

  4. @ jeff myers

  5. @ henry
    Thanks. I already know about it.


  6. Jeff, it's the 3d Challenge, not the 3D Don't Put Me Out of My Comfort Zone Easy Un-Challenge. Just pretend it's a building that looks like a golf cart. It doesn't have to be as complex as a GEM, just a garden variety ugly-mobile. You can even hang a painting on the rear-view mirror.

  7. Must it have wheels? They don't have much use for wheels on Coruscant, they use Hover Carts.

  8. I totally agree with jeff Myers. We need something AWESOME because, although i hate to say it, this competition has become a drag. I LOVED the library last MONTH (gaaaa!) but since then... meh. I agree with you that a museum would be a great "pick me up" for this challenge...

  9. Agree with JediCharles No.2 : Must it have wheels?

  10. I'm working in a model for 3d challenge 070: Golf cart. You can see here the modeling process Golf cart


    Here you can find my progress!
    Also in 3dwarehouse!

  12. This is a great idea, I'm already thinking of the structure of my golf cart . As usual, this challenge isn't liked by everyone but that's normale.

  13. So is Museum what people would like?
    We could definitely do that for a future challenge at some point. Of course we'll make it maybe slightly more specific or a bit different than just a plain old museum.

  14. @ logan C
    You can make it like a "design your own museum"
    but it has to be a building and it has to have galleries.
    @ all
    I have been doing allot of detailed and complex modeling just look at my model "The Italianate" and "Italian Renascence" those took me 2 -3 days to model. I am now taking a break from modeling and doing some interior working on my models that don't have any furnishings. Maybe in a month or two I might be able to do another complex model but for now I am taking a break.

  15. For the second time. Must it have wheels?

  16. Made an more funny car for this challenge! Check the warehouse and this link:

  17. Yes, a museum could be great. but of course, a simple old museum is really boring .I've forgotten old museums since a long time, now when I hear museum I directly think about high-modern and design building, like a mix of Zaha Hadid and Le Corbusier.
    Maybe you see what I mean ;)

    So anyway, if someone make a too simple museum,he won't get excellent ratings .I think a museum challenge looks like the library .

  18. Yes, your models should have wheels. Unless of course you are doing some other unique type of golf cart that for some reason doesn't have wheels.
    But really, you only have to model one wheel, then just use the component 3 more times for the 4 wheels.
    Good Luck!

  19. I have modeled a golf cart but for the 3rd weekend in a row nothing uploads and monday I could have Ice so help! My upload stops working Fridays till Monday and I guess since I have a mac and have posted 50 or so complaints about this upload issue and yet NOTHING has been done. if a modeler wants to step in and upload it I would be happy too unless that is against the rules. Then I will send it to my parents gosh awful slow computer. Happy trails people.

  20. So can it be a Hover Cart? Without wheels?

  21. This my model"FORE!!!!!09" . I can't upload the model due to it being a weekend and the warehouse doesn't work on the weekend. I don't know if I can upload monday. Where I live there is an impending Ice Storm.
    I hope and pray that it uploads tomorrow. The sketchup team said that the upload between macs and the 3D warehouse was fixed but it isn't .

  22. Go check out the model.FORE!!!!!09 . It finally uploaded. yeah.

  23. Hey everybody. I really enjoyed making this model, I fashioned my cart after the time machine in BTTF. Hope you like.

    Delorean Golf Cart

  24. I guess it could be a Hover cart if you really wanted. I'm not one to get in the way of creativity but please keep in mind that it is a golf cart. So please try not to just model a hover craft.
    Thanks and good luck!

  25. golf/hover cart make shure it fits the scheme people

    uh by the way when do we vote for the previous models made in the challenge

  26. wow... out of nowhere there is magicaly like 30 votes for the hummer.... first they let this guy enter his POS in with people that do thier own modeling... if this dude wins im just gonna f-ing delete sketchup of my computer!

  27. Hey that is not fair you guys. Back last month you kicked me out for premade components WTF. This is wrong. I made my golf cart without premade components and it is boxy. Fix it.....

  28. According to Griffin, his Hummer Golf Cart "WILL NOT be competing". Although by now it can't be removed from the poll (because votes have already been cast/one of the polls flaws), since the model was not intended as a valid entry, the votes for that particular model will NOT be tallied. I encourage all of you to vote for a valid model as a winner instead.

  29. I'm thinking of stopping with this challenge-stuff. I've got the idea that you must invite people to vote for you. There's not enough interest in this site. (50 or 100 votes!) Look at my electric toothbrush, only two votes (one of myself) and that while it's technical above average. It costed me more time than I thought it would take. I will only participate with the challenge when I got a very good idea or when I like it very much or when there are more people voting. Now over to things I really like to sketch! ByeBye

    Ps. Can I cheat with an IP-generator on my pc? :P
