
22 April 2009

3D Challenge #082 - Energy Saving Item

In tribute to Earth Day, this weeks challenge is about creating or modeling an existing item that's purpose is to cut down on energy consumption. This may be a simple item like a CFL bulb, or maybe an electric alternative to gas such as an electric lawn mower. The choice is up to you!

Good luck and HAPPY EARTH DAY! Go Green

3D Warehouse tag: 3d challenge 082

Due Date: Wed, April 29th (Challenge Closed)
Winners :

1st Place :
JediCharles for Moisture Vaporator &
HenkieTenk for SteamPunk Mobile Phone
2nd Place :
a.j.unknow for Tidal farm
3rd Place :
ChrisBence for The Solar Burka &
cloudedzero for Muse &
moboille for Ecological House

Click here to see the currently submitted models for this challenge.


  1. General Notes:There will no obligation for a blog entry anymore. It is still allowed to post a link to your model or additional images, but it is not required anymore to submit a model to the challenges. The 3D Warehouse tag is still required though and should be added when uploading a model to the Warehouse.

    You can use the hyperlink code creator on the frontpage of the blog to create the code for a hyperlink in your message. Copy this code and paste it in the comment box on the place where your want the hyperlink to be.

    Challenge suggestions are welcome to be placed on the blog. Items will be noted and compiled on the moderator’s list. At that point, the initial comment for the suggestion may be deleted so as to maintain a streamline challenge thread for use of posting entries for the challenge and comments to models. Challenge suggestions have always been welcomed and taken under consideration.

    Please refrain from using background images in your models as it is the model itself that is being judged.

    You'll notice a new link on the main page that directs you to the First Place Certificate area to which winners are able to print a certificate with a picture of their model detailing their excellence. You can access the page through the main page of the blog.

    Good Luck and HAPPY EARTH DAY!

  2. I would also like to point out the new sketchup challenge that Jedi Charles is starting. It is called the Sketchup Design Challenge.
    For more information about his new challenge, you can visit the Facebook fan page here.

  3. If I have the time I will make another EcO car

    Like this!cloudedzero

  4. I'm entering this time, not too much organics

  5. I am not entering. I have been to busy to but to all good luck on the challenge. I have retired from the Warehouse but I will never retire sketchup. To all good luck. I will check out Jedi Charles Challenge.

  6. my entry

  7. Check out my entry at:

  8. My entry not finished just yet but thought I would get it uploaded just incase I run out of time.

    The MuseRendercloudedzero

  9. Heres my entry -

    its Proton exchange membrane fuel cell, for green earth

    model - Fuel CellGo Green

  10. Here's my enrty, the fabulous Tesla coil! This thing can realy change our planet! It realy is a shame that it is burried in patents, to keep our global energy-dictators happy... :( I hope it will serve us one day!

    TeslaCoil_byALXTesla Wikipedia

  11. I have finished my energy saving model, you can see my renders and my 3D model by respectively following the links below.

    LinkEcological House.

  12. Hi, this is my first contribution to the challenge. It's a clockwork (wind-up) digital radio.

  13. Hello

    all of you good work

    keep it up.

  14. Yesterday I updated my Vista with Internet Explorer 8 and now the stars (1-5) in the 3dwarehouse are gone?? Anyone familliar with these problems? Grtz

  15. hi HenkieTenk

    3d-warehouse star & all, are saved on google server under your account; not on your PC-browser.

    you need to properly log in to specific account you made.

    3dwarehouse Help

  16. Last date for submissions (April 29, 2009)

  17. @ Rahul Desai

    No that's not what I mean. But thanks anyway.

    I updated my IE from IE 8 yesterday. And sinds then I can't see the pictures of the stars. I can still vote, but the stars are not visible.

  18. @ HenkieTenk
    I've the same problem. Seems to be a IE bug. But... I usually use Firefox so, no problem at all! :)

  19. @ Rahul;

    Are you guys sleeping over there?! I noticed the slow updating on the site. Who are the 3 winners of the playground contest?! To bad if u start skipping updates... :(, next to the poor voting, i gave up this challenge once, i might again. Bummer, but not so much fun anymore, due to lack of commitment :(

  20. hi DesignsbyALX

    I ll look at it, must be some mistake (playground contest). We are updating.

    If you have any suggestions for this blog let us know.


  21. @DesignsbyALX
    Sorry, that is my fault. I never even thought about it. I had it in my head that I had already done it.
    I should be able to get it up by the end of the night and I'll leave it up for the next week.

  22. ;) Forgive me, i'm getting old and grumpy, haha!

  23. Hi randomofodication,

    thats good topic (submarine). will note it down.


    Keep good suggestions, to help improve 3D-Cahllenge Blog

  24. How about a concept vehicle challenge any vehicle with 1 to 10 wheels


  25. 3D Challenge #082 - Energy Saving Item"

    (Challenge Closed) 3D Challenge #082 = Entries

  26. I like Cloudedzero's challenge proposition, it makes a lot of great possibilities, fine.

  27. yes we like Cloudedzero's challenge idea (vehicle with 1 to 10 wheels), we ll note it down.


  28. Challenge idea:
    interior designs

    gives you many options..

  29. I also like cloudedzero's proposition. a ton of things could be made. kinda like the kitchen challenge.

  30. ******************************************************* VOTING MAY NOW START

  31. Tatatataaaa, my point for this challenge;

    Nice to see that a challenge like this brings up a lot of concepts... I'm looking forward to next challenge concepts! But anyway;

    3 points; Light switch by JD_Wooten. This is probabely the best concept, cause it all starts with your own awareness! Model, 3stars, idea/message 6!

    2 points; Ecological House, by Moboille, nice and detailed concept, as well as presentation!

    1 point; Tidal Farm by a.j. unknown. For exploring our ocean mechanics. Who knows in what way the ocean can serve us in the future. There's a lot of energy in that pool!

    And to Chris Bence; funniest entry!
    And to all; vote, vote...VOTE with a smile!

  32. 3 points- SteamPunk Mobile Phone by HenkieTenk

    2 points- lightbulb,Sketchosaurus®

    1 point- Muse, cloudzero

  33. First I have to say that I've been galvanized by a lot of great models out there. Well, my votes are :

    Three points for "The Solar Burka" by ChrisBence, Not easy and a real original peace of art... That's what I like.

    Two points for "Moisture Vaporator" by JediCharles, technicaly detailed, look perfect !

    The ultimate choice were hard to select, if the "Helios Platform byALX" was in the competition I would give it the first place.

    I liked a lot the following users : cloudedzero, a.j.unknow and HenkieTenk... and I decided to attibute the point to HenkieTenk for his steampunk model.

    Sorry for long speech :)

  34. I said:
    3 points goes to Free_NRG4ALL ,
    2 points goes to Moisture Vaporator ,
    1 point goes to Light bulb .

    And I have a Challenge idea: FIRST AID KIT, should be fun.

  35. 3: Tidal farm by a.j.unknow

    2: Ecological House by moboille

    1: Clockwork Digital Radio by YIIMM

  36. 3 for JediCharles. Lots of detail, I like the texturing and the scenes.

    2 for Yimm.

    1 for cloudzero.

    Loving this weeks challenge, I've tried once to make a car and failed miserably, so now I have the motivation to try again.

  37. My votes:
    3 points to SteamPunk Mobile Phone by HenkieTenk
    2 points to Muse by cloudedzero
    1 point to The Solar Burka by ChrisBence

  38. 3 - Henkie Tenk

    2 - JediCharles

    1 - a.j. unknow

  39. ******************************************************* VOTING IS NOW CLOSED
