
30 April 2009

3D Challenge #083 - Concept Vehicle

In this weeks challenge, you will be modeling a concept vehicle of your choice. The vehicle can have one to ten wheels and should not be an existing production vehicle. You may however, model an existing concept vehicle. Concept Vehicle Ideas = Future Transportation

3D Warehouse tag: 3d challenge 083

Due Date: Tuesday, May 12th (Challenge Closed)



1st Place :
DesignsbyALX for UltimateWheeler
2nd Place :
Mr. Jump Man V.3 for Super Cyclone
& randomofodication for Street Sabre
3rd Place :


Click here to see the currently submitted models for this challenge.


  1. General Notes:There will no obligation for a blog entry anymore. It is still allowed to post a link to your model or additional images, but it is not required anymore to submit a model to the challenges. The 3D Warehouse tag is still required though and should be added when uploading a model to the Warehouse.

    You can use the hyperlink code creator on the frontpage of the blog to create the code for a hyperlink in your message. Copy this code and paste it in the comment box on the place where your want the hyperlink to be.

    Challenge suggestions are welcome to be placed on the blog. Items will be noted and compiled on the moderator’s list. At that point, the initial comment for the suggestion may be deleted so as to maintain a streamline challenge thread for use of posting entries for the challenge and comments to models. Challenge suggestions have always been welcomed and taken under consideration.

    Please refrain from using background images in your models as it is the model itself that is being judged.

    You'll notice a new link on the main page that directs you to the First Place Certificate area to which winners are able to print a certificate with a picture of their model detailing their excellence. You can access the page through the main page of the blog.

    Good Luck!!!!

  2. Can you please name the vehichles we can use? cause i like making tanks but i doubt i can make one.

    Example: cars, planes, trucks, etc.

  3. Challenge suggestion:
    Interior designs
    Gives you many options like stables, house, apartments or even just a living room...

  4. If you want to model a tank, I say go ahead! Just make sure that it's comcepty like!
    And it must have 1-10 wheels.
    Good luck!

  5. people who are having a brain fart these two web sites have some of the best concepts to date


  6. You can make any concept Vehicles out there or Create your own concept Vehicle.

    Vehicle can be = Any 1 to 10 Wheel Vehicle

    To Phily
    Your suggestion (Interior designs); we have noted it, will use in future Thanks

    Ideas = Vehicle Concept by cloudedzero

  7. Interesting topic – If you want 2 weeks to complete your model , then let me know. I will extend the due date to 12 May.

  8. I vote another week.

    mr.jumpman V.3

  9. two weeks would allow some pretty intense details to be put into this challenge...

    does anybody remember "hooligan" yeah detail


  10. remember my six wheeler? awsome...
    my best car model, maybe.

    mr.jumpman v.3

  11. 2 weeks would be nice


    hooligan was awesome, models like that make my head spin!!!

  12. Challenge Extended
    Due date Tuesday May 12th

  13. UltimateWheeler_byALXFun... i tried to be as much onthe edge as possible for this challenge! Technicaly, not even real "wheels", but they function as wheels, so i guess it's ok! Damn, this wheel-concept is far out!

  14. You know, it's really too bad you limited it to 1-10 wheels. I'd have been more interested in doing a semi-truck. Maybe I'll try a tractor...

  15. Hey, I've just finished my model and done all the required renders, first go to my picasa page...

    PicturesThe last model on the left

  16. you play medal of honor heroes 2? Becuase i was facing a guy on there and his name was cleric!

  17. Thanks for everybody who rated my model, except for "@#$%*$#^!!!!©".

    Oh,just, something crossed my mind, Rahul Desai, were you ironic :)?
    I just want to be sure.. I'm not good in modelling cars, motorcycles...etc. Then I guess I've failed again, though I really thought this one was OK. I need you to tell me what you didn't like, please.

    I got a challenge's idea : An art painting/drawing.. 3D adaptation, like Les Vacances de Hegel - Magritte, or even Salvador Dali - The Persistence of Memory.

    Nb: Has anyone watched my bloody valentine 3D ?Is it lame ?

  18. retro concepr vehicleThat is my entry for this challenge, hope I did all ok (I followed J-m@n's participation manual). And there is the new challenge idea: first aid kit.

  19. @ Rahul; Hey man, i have to ask... What is it about you (you've just joined the challenge), for rating mostly 4 stars for good/excellent models?! I've noticed you doing so. It's ok on the one hand, you're allowed to, BUT WHY THE H*LL rate a very, i repeat A VERY poor BMW's F1 a fiver, and for instance, Jumpman's only a 4? I expect a more objective approach from one of the challenge-team! Not to be to rude, but i don't see you posting models of our quality! Sorry! Just had to get it out of my mind!

  20. Don’t worry about those stars, keep working on your models & have fun. DesignsbyALX you are great 3d modeler & renderer.

    I m here from beginning of the 3d challenge.

  21. hi Sketchmaster Tóth,
    (first aid kit)
    i like that idea, will use it.

  22. designsbyAlx & RD---

    I dont mind bad rating at all, just as long as it has truthful critisism attatched to the rating, so RD if you rate my model a **** id at least like to know a little bit about why. and Designsbyalx, dont be so harsh, its just a lower then best rating =p

    mr.jumpman v.3

    ( i think he took the ratings away anyways )

  23. @Rahul; I'm always having fun, but you didn't answer my question! I'm just curious on what terms you post those ratings. Can't a guy get a straight answer?!

    @Mr.Jumpman; I'm not mad ;)

    So Rahul...what's the deal?!

  24. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  25. Something Same happens long time ago Here, (on the stars)

    See giving those stars is each ones personal opinion. I m in CG industry for 5 years, my way of inspecting SU models is thorough. I just want that you make your model complete clean & fine that’s why I gave you 4 or 3. 5 stars only for final & clean model.

    For your Knowledge, I m professional CG artist working for industry

    Although forget about it, my stars are gone. Keep up with your challenge.

  26. good job designbyalx, you made him take my stars =p

  27. I'd like to add my speeder to the challenge, but it doesn't have any wheels. :(

  28. Vehicle is a universal term for a 'People Carrier' and wheelless form of transport should be allowed.

  29. Oh, and i would like to enter a plane (WHICH HAS LANDING GEAR WHEELS) is it allowed?

  30. Hello

    Wacov & skacker; speeder or flying-car will be OK, but don’t go for planes.


    Have any ?, then let me know.

  31. @ Rahul;

    That still doesn't explain why you (with your 5 year experience) rated that crappy F1 a fiver?! And why did you remove Mr. Jumpmans stars!? I don't care you took mine, but at least give him the rating back! (Pretty please!)
    Andehh, how about a medievel torture set!? I'll make one that fits you! (word-joke, sorry just kidding!)

  32. Oh, and another thing, what happened to my robocop-link?! What happend with having fun and sharing models on this blog?!
    I'll keep posting till i have my answer!

  33. @ designbyalx ( from now on ill just say alx cus i dont like writing so much... )


  34. DesignsbyALX,
    you wanna answer about your (UltimateWheeler MMR25) model -

    First thing I haven’t called it crappy & I gave you 4 stars for it; there are modeling mistakes in it, some edges doesn’t matches, there are unwanted gaps in model, your texture is low-res, no mechanical details. Also Don’t like the way of model presenting & some colors.

    About the concept design I like it (My comment with the 4 stars is – Creative)

    My thought giving 4 stars is - you are good modeler you should work more & make it perfect.

    medieval torture set, good idea.

  35. Has my idea of the painting adaptation been written down ?

  36. I know you didn't call it crappy, i wondered why you rated (in MY opinion crappy) BMW F1. Thanx for the comment! I'll explain it! (for everybody) I build most of my models to make it suitable for nice renders, but up to a certain point. Who needs a 8mb model?! That's why i leave certain gaps in my model, or leave out parts! (sometimes ;)) This also applies to the textures! I always work or make a BMP, high res, but for sketchup i use JPG, for it saves a lot of size! When i render them (Blender), i'll always use the BMP. I can close up as much as i want. The models are bigger though.

    As for you not liking my presentation; i asure you, i respect your personal opinion!

    I still like you and this challenge ;)

  37. Just a quick question: do twin wheels count as one wheel or two?

    A twin wheel is where there are two tyres on either side of the axle, like on the back of a truck.

  38. YIIMM & all
    Yes, twin wheel will be counted as single wheel.

    (painting adaptation)Exactly whats your idea? Explain

  39. If you like – you can go for (WIP) work in progress, Show-Off Your WIPs models or pics of it. But just add a word ‘My-WIP’ For work in progress Model & ‘My Final Model’ For Final Model, in your post so we can differentiate between final work & WIP models.

  40. here are some pics of my project Herei still don't know what to call it yet.

  41. Then, as I've just told before, An art painting/drawing.. 3D adaptation, like Les Vacances de Hegel - Magritte, or even Salvador Dali - The Persistence of Memory.

    Tell me what you think about this idea :)

  42. Moboille -

    That’s something different & interesting idea, Like it.We have noted it. Will use it some day.

  43. I am joining this contest my Username in sketchup is "Darthomer". Well Wish you luck judging :)

  44. Hey, forgot to put my model in here.

    Super CycloneMr.jumpman V.3

  45. Ok I have my entrie Heres the link and I hope you like it!

    My Username is "Darthomer"

  46. "3D Challenge #083 - Concept Vehicle"

    May 12th , last day for Submissions.

  47. ******************************************************* VOTING MAY NOW START

  48. 3 points-Street Sabre by randomofodication

    2 points-Speeder by Wacov

    1 point-Auto-Balancing 2-Wheeled Car by JediCharles


  49. Hi guys, my votes are:

    3 points: Ultimate Wheeler by DesignsbyALX.

    2 points: Auto-Balancing 2-Wheeled Car by JediCharles.

    1 point: Super Cyclone Concept Car by Mr. JumpMan v.3.

  50. my votes:

    3 points: UltimateWheeler by DesignsbyALX

    2 points: Super Cyclone Concept Car by Mr. Jump Man V.3

    1 point: Torque by cloudedzero

  51. 3: Auto-Balancing 2-Wheeled Car
    by JediCharles

    I like the concept and those extra's like the cargo door, headlights, doors etc are awesome! A bit segway like, with that auto-balancing system

    2: Torque by cloudedzero

    This would be nice to see on the streets! Looks like it realy could work!

    1: UltimateWheeler_byALX

    Realy good idea! And nice model. (but, the wheels are separated from the shaft)

    Applause for: Moboille,Oupadann and Mr. Jump Man V.3

  52. Hey y'all,

    this really was a nice challenge!
    But i would like to see only the one-week challenges... I just have to wait to long! ;)

    3 points for Street Sabre, by randomofodication. Maybe not the most functional design, but man, what a look! Like some technic Lego machine...very nice!

    2 points for Jedicharles' his Auto Balancing Car. Just a nice looking clean concept. Looks like a pretty realistic option for urban traffic.

    1 point for the Super Cyclone from Mr. Jumpman. Lot's of work, and amazing style! I'm not a fan of the way that your models are constructed, (the amount of groups, parts not intersected blablabla)but you always enter very nice looking models!

    And thanks for the votes!

  53. components are my friends, live with it!!!

  54. I vote for:

    3. "Super Cyclone Concept car" by "Mr.Jumpman V.2"

    2. "Ultimate Wheeler" by "DesignsbyALX"

    1. "Speeder" by "Wacov"

  55. This comment has been removed by the author.

  56. Ok Now i think that It is set up.
    The person "George" is actually "Darthomer". "George" is My REAL first name

  57. 1st Place to Ultimate Wheeler by ALX

    2nd Place to Super Cyclone by Mr. Jumpman

    3rd Place to Concept Car by Dilbert

  58. I would suggest that when voting that we only say how many points we're giving instead of "1st place, 2nd place, 3rd place" or "1. 2. 3." because it could cause confusion. Also, include both the name of the entry and the modelers name. Here are my votes:

    3pts. Super Cyclone Concept Car for 3D Challenge #083 by Mr. Jump Man V.3

    2pts. UltimateWheeler_byALX by DesignsbyALX

    1pts. Torque by cloudedzero

  59. Challenge suggestion: create correctly located giant coastal redwood trees with efficient poly structure.

  60. My votes are :

    Three points for "Street Sabre" of randomofodication, I don't know what happened but it was my favourite one so far !

    Two points for "Ultimate Wheeler" by DesignsbyALX, it was gorgeous, inovating, detailed...etc

    A point for "Concept of concept hummer hx" by oupadann .

    Sorry Mr. Jump Man V.3, your model was AWESOME but I really don't like the look of it... :)
    And, alex, your second model was perfect too but more common...

    Most of users have done a stunning work out here, as usual !

  61. Can I vote on myself? I'm just asking.
    3 points, Street Sabre
    2 points, UltimateWheeler_byALX
    1 point, Auto-Balancing 2-Wheeled Car

  62. 3 points, UltimateWheeler_byALX
    2 points, The Street Sabre
    1 point for Auto-Balancing 2Wheeled Car

  63. 3 points goto Speeder by Wacov

    2 points goto UltimateWheeler_byALX

    1 points for Torque by cloudedzero

  64. Just a reminder, people who dont normally atend the 3D challenge blog, or have never made an entrie cant vote.


  65. my vote is:

    3 points, Concept Car
    2 points, UltimateWheeler_byALX
    1 point, Chris' Roadster

  66. my vote is:

    3 points, Concept Car
    2 points, UltimateWheeler_byALX
    1 point, Chris' Roadster

    May 16, 2009 2:46 PM

    this is dig i posted my last vote anonymous couse i dont know how to say its my so please dont count that last vote becose that was me to, but do count this one!!!

  67. I just have to respond to Mr. Jumpman's comment on the voting. I agree to some extend that all the (suspicious) votes can lead to an eary feeling. I know for myself that i can build stuff, but this challenge gives me the kick of aknowledgement by other good builders. I try to return this kick by giving my comment or ratings. I realy don't get my kicks of (and i think that is what Mr. Jumpman is saying) someone manipulating the votes by placing a couple of anonymous ones. BUT i do think people have the right to place their votes, even anonymous.

    We can however give only the blog-followers or actual in-challenge modelmakers the right to give extra points. Lets say 3 more; 1st place 4 points, 2nd 3, 3rd 2 points. Anonymous can only vote for 1 entry, and give only 1 point!

    If they want otherwise... hey, follow this blog or add your model!

  68. Hopes someone likes my entrie :)

  69. @DesignsbyALX

    I agree with you for the single point available for anonymous person.
    But I assume that people could qualify it as an unfair system, then let's see users feedbacks !

  70. We are discussing this issue (Voting), will be soon posting the solution for this.

    For now (Sketchmaster Tóth’ - Can I vote on myself? ) =

    1) You cant vote for your self.
    2) Anonymous votes will not be counted (user should logon with Google-blogger account then vote).
    3) If you have not taken part in the challenge you are voting, you still can vote there; but you must be a follower of the blog & have taken part in another challenges.


  71. yea, i think its not very smart to let even Anonymous vote because i can just desguise myself, vote for myself, and give myself a little extra edge.

    but you should make it clear how many models to vote you need ( i think its one if i understand correctly )

    Ps. Dang i think im in second )=

    Mr.jumpman V.3

  72. my vote:
    3 points, Concept Car
    2 points, UltimateWheeler_byALX
    1 point, Chris' Roadster

    please do not count my anonomouse votes!!!!!

  73. ********************************************



  74. Dig, who made the model that is called concept car?

    Mr. Jumpman V.3

  75. Dig properly specify your votes by full User-name & Model-name.

