
02 January 2011

Sketchup 3D Challenge #115 - Your own desk

Google Sketchup 3D Challenge presents 3D Challenge #115:

Your own Desk
- thanks, john! -

Sunday 2nd of January, 2011 - Wednesday 12th of January, 2011

Challenge closed.
Click Here to Vote!

Entry Models

Starting 2011, we've decided to have you model something of you, something personal. And what could be more of you than the desk you use everyday? This idea was from John, so thanks! What are you waiting for? Start modeling! And of course, have fun!

3D Warehouse tag: "3D Challenge 115"

The winner of previous challenge #114 - Christmas is:

A 3D Challenge first happened yesterday, when I checked the results of the vote! The winner is STmaster, with his Santa Claus Mobil. What's so special about that? Nothing, really; just that everyone who voted, had this model as their first choice! It all counts up to an incredible 57 votes! Congratulations, STmaster!

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