
19 January 2011

Sketchup 3D Challenge #116 - Fantasy homes

Google Sketchup 3D Challenge presents 3D Challenge #116:

Fantasy homes

Wednesday 19th of Januari 2011 - Sunday 30th of Januari 2011

Entry Models

What is the craziest house you have ever seen, or dreamed of? I challenge you to create the most bizar dreamhome, made out of anything you like, in the shape of anything you like, in any color you like. Let your fantasy off the leash, and create your ultimate fantasy home!

3D Warehouse tag: "3D Challenge #116"

The winner of previous 3D Challenge #115 - Your Desk is:

Eric, with 'My Desk'! It was a very close call, as Eric finished with 30 points, and John came in second is 29 points. Congratulations Eric and John, and thank you for your beautiful models! Your winner certificate will be posted here.


  1. iam new at this contest - cant we entry more than 1 model ? and is it always the same peaples competing is thoses contests?

  2. Please note that the winner certificates are being published on this website:

    Thank you.

  3. GoldenSim, of course it is possible to enter with more than 1 model. Everyone can compete in the Challenges. I'm sorry for my late response, but I thought I answered your question earlier this week already. Apparently not!

  4. ok thanks , cause i entry 2 models last challenge and i dont want to be disqualify :P

  5. Other question : is there a plugin or a special technique to create Car models or complicated curves and shapes ? ty

  6. I usually don't model cars, but the technique I'm familiar with -and is used by most carmodelers on the 3DWH- is modeling off blueprints. You should search YouTube for a tutorial. Happy modeling!

  7. Great a mobile version of this blog!

  8. Thanks allot Milo - are you the owner of this blog/challenge? if yes thanks again for that

  9. I'm not the owner of the blog, I'm just a moderator since April 2010, I regularly post updates and challenges on the blog.
