
18 April 2011

Sketchup 3D Challenge #122 - Abandoned Places

Google Sketchup 3D Challenge presents 3D Challenge #122:

Abandoned Places

Challenge Closed

Sunday 17th of April, 2011 - Wednesday 4th of May, 2011

Click Here to Vote!

Entry Models

Requested by some of you, the subject for this challenge is 'Abandoned Places'. The image above shows one of three Soong Sisters Houses, in the center of Singapore, mysteriously abandoned in the 1980s. The estimated value of the complex is 465 milion USD. Nobody knows who owns them, how old they are, who lived there, etcetera. The houses are said to be haunted, and every day tourists come to visit the ruins. They are surrounded by tall condominium towers, in one of the most developed areas of the city. The challenge in this Challenge, is to try to make your model mysterious; the viewer should be wondering where it is located, why it is abandoned.
Good luck!

3D Challenge tag: "3D Challenge #122"

The winner of previous 3D Challenge #121 - Sewing Machine are:

GoldenSim, and Crazy Eyes! You might think, 'excuse me?', but it's true, we only have two modelers, and they both had 10 votes! Congratulations! You both deserved first place.

1920 SINGER sewing machine

Janome Sewing Machine


  1. Wow, thanks everyone. I wasnt expecting that :)
    Good work GoldenSim!!

  2. thank all .. good work to CrazyEyes

  3. Wow guys!!! Good job!! Most excellent work!!
    Crankston Shnord

  4. Why this challenge should be longer than others ?
    2 1/2 weeks!!

  5. Hello GoldenSim,

    A lot of other 3D Challengers asked for an extended duration of this Challenge, because abandoned places require a lot of detail. If you like, add some subject suggestions to this comment page!

    Best wishes,

  6. i think a boat challenge could be cool .. a luxury or speed boat

  7. wow this subject attracted allot of modelers :)

  8. Yes I'm glad it pleased many people... but I hope the next one will do as well... :)

  9. I decided to join you all in this one Challenge. So voting for my model IS allowed. There's some great competition out there!

    Good luck! I hope to see many more models tomorrow!


  10. Thank you for submitting your entries!

    Let's start the voting!

    You may make 3 votes.
    - your First choice is worth 3 points,
    - your Second worth 2 points,
    - your Third worth 1 point,
    You may also make a comment, if you wish, on why you chose each model.

    View the models through the 'Entry Models'-link in the blogpost.

    Good luck!

  11. Nice entries! Thank you Milo for extending the deadline, however I had many good ideas I was way busy to accomplish them. I loved this challenge so.
    My votes are:
    - 3 points, the effects of time by GoldenSim
    - 2 points, usine abandonnée by bob mayonnaise
    - 1 point, abandoned sea fort by TESLER✈

  12. Yeah,hard to choose between all those great models
    -1st Antarctica, winter 1982 by Sketchmaster Tóth
    really look abandoned with allot of realism

    -2nd abandoned sea fort by TESLER✈
    impressive details ,texture and wreck parts

    -3rd usine abandonnée by bob mayonnaise
    Belle environementet,bonne textures le resultat est tres beau

  13. A lot of talent and imagination in the entries. This is my first time entering and I greatly appreciate all the feedback.

    1) Abandoned Metro - moboille
    2) the effects of time - GoldenSim
    3) Antarctica, winter 1982 -Sketchmaster Tóth

  14. 1)the effects of time -GoldenSim
    2)Abandoned Metro -moboille
    3)Abandoned Art Deco Hotel -MILO Minderbinder

  15. dont we have a new challenge for the voting time ?

  16. There should be more people voting now!! At least the ones who entered... so it's my turn now.
    It's an awkward situation since there were a lot of great models and 'SCIFI LICIOUS' added his model three days ago (too late, so to speak).
    Then, my three points go to "Dracula ghost train" parce que je trouve l'ensemble très cohérent et les détails du décor relativement subtil, ce qui est un plus. L'atmosphère est également agréablement travaillée. Point négatif, comme je l'ai dit dans mon commentaire, je n'aime pas spécialement le mobilier et je trouve les 'spectres' est peu caricaturé, mais je comprends :)

    My two points go to 'the effects of time' by GoldenSim, because I couldn't vote here without thinking of him, he was the first to upload and surprised me although it's indeed a bit cliché. Mais belle mise en scène tout de même :)

    My last point goes to "Antarctica, winter 1982" because.. um, it has taken me aback.. I don't know how to say but I felt something strange when following the scenes and I think it was part of the aim to create a special atmosphere. And Sketchmaster Tóth managed to make it.

    All in all, a lot of efforts and great modelers and I'm sad I couldn't have given points to the other great models of TANTUNNY, falconview or TESLER✈....etc

  17. 3: Abandoned Metro by moboille
    2: Anbandoned City Gate by TANTUNNY
    1: The effects of time by GoldenSim

    Great work, all of you! Looking forward for next challenge, I've got some spare time so I'll be participating!

  18. Thank you all for voting and giving eachother feedback!

    Voting is now closed.
    Challenge winner and next Challenge will be posted tomorrow afternoon. If you want you could post a subject suggestion on this commen page!


  19. What about a bridge or tunnel?

  20. I would go into a tunnel... even on bridge.

  21. I think both look great although I'd prefer a bridge... but hasen't it ever be done before?? Im not sure but it reminds me something

  22. Yeah bridge as been done in the past.
    again iam more into a boat challenge or mabe a hover vehicle or flying car
