
09 May 2011

Sketchup 3D Challenge #123 - Anything!

Google Sketchup 3D CHallenge presents 3D Challenge #123:


Sunday 8th of May, 2011 - Wednesday 18th of May, 2011
Challenge Closed.

Click Here to Vote!

Entry Models

'Anything?' you might think, and the answer is 'Yes, absolutely anything'. As there wasn't really one subject we could settle on, we've decided to go crazy, and have you all design something you choose! So GoldenSim, design that Flying boat! And HenkieTenk, build that Bridge! There is only one condition: you may NOT use any components already uploaded to the 3D Warehouse. But that shouldn't be that hard! (By the way, the image shown above doesn't make any sense, if you were wondering)

3D Warehouse tag: "3D Challenge 123"

The winner of previous 3D Challenge #122 - Abandoned Places is:

GoldenSim with his model of 'The Effects of Time'! Congratulations! You've won the Challenge with this beautiful model of an abandoned country shack. Great detailling, and, did you design that tree by yourself?


  1. :) Nice!!! Thanks everyone for the votes (yes Milo i designed the tree :P its only 1 branch copy scaled and rotate many time :) Wow new challenge subject is sure to attract allot of modeler!! :D

  2. I agree, this is sometimes the best thing to do :)

  3. Thank you for submitting your entries!

    Let's start the voting!

    You may make 3 votes.
    - your First choice is worth 3 points,
    - your Second worth 2 points,
    - your Third worth 1 point,
    You may also make a comment, if you wish, on why you chose each model.

    View the models through the 'Entry Models'-link in the blogpost.

    Also add some subject suggestions for next Challenge #124!

    Good luck!

  4. Voting will be very hard since its different tipes of modeling subjects :S

  5. :) the time i wrote my last message the voting was started

    3points>>LINCOLN MEMORIAL/MONUMENT by SCIFILICIOUS ...Huge amount of work/details/texture with a good atmosphere

    2points>>Racing Car by Dıʟʙᴇʀᴛ ...amazing concept and modeling skills(almost gave you the 1st position)

    1point>>Atlas ICBM by TESLER✈ ... Excelent realistic replica with alllllot of details and good textures(just a bit repetitive thats why it not rank higher)

    seriusly this vote was hard cause every one did a stunning modeling job

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Whoops, made a load of typos in that last comment.

    Yay, I got a vote! Really hard to decide this time, but my votes are:

    3 points: Lincoln Memorial by SCIFILICIOUS. Stunning use of textures and atmospheric effects.

    2 points: Car-Inspired Boat by GoldenSim. I just love retro/modern stuff.

    1 point: Ants and a Sugar Cube by Falconview. Really cool idea. I'll be taking my coffee without cream or sugar for a week or two.

    God, it was hard to choose between so many fabulous entries.

  8. Well, I guess no need to say how hard is to choose. It was an unordinary challenge.
    My votes line up thus:
    3 - reversed Car-Boat by GoldenSim, his model is so original as perfect
    2 - LINCOLN MEMORIAL by SCIFI LICIOUS, it beat into my heart
    1 - Ants and a Sugar Cube by falconview, that story is continuing: Ants and a Magnifying Glass...

  9. I missed the deadline!! I thought it was Friday, next time I'll check twice!
    That's my model

    But now I vote,
    I'm actually going to vote like Dıʟʙᴇʀᴛ.
    So to speak, three points for Lincoln Memorial by SCIFILICIOUS for taking me aback, really original and detailed :)

    two points for Car-Inspired Boat by GoldenSim, for the idea but obviously for the really accurate modelling... very nice model.

    And then Ants and a Sugar Cube by Falconview, because of the idea and I'm quite ignorant about cars of other things like that so I admit the two car models submitted here looked fabulous but since I'm not an expert and I'm really not into it, I couldn't choose them but all the models were surprising and no one lacks of skills. Congrats to ALL!

  10. Hey Moboille!

    Too bad, it's a terrific model! And I agree, the models in this Challenge were exceptionally beautiful!


  11. 3 points:Racing Car by Dıʟʙᴇʀᴛ

    2 points:Explosive Tipped Crossbow by aNgRyWaFfLeS AZ


  12. Nico your second vote is not valid :S the model was posted to late

    My suggestion for next challenge is :
    A dream!!
    again it can be almost anything fabulus/ridiculus/personel or clasic but a dream you made or have :)

  13. This idea sounds really good to me but I've got to be sure about what you mean. Dreams while sleeping or dreams as desires? Because if you indeed meant the dreams we do while we sleep, it would defninitely be a super idea!

  14. my idea was one or the other as long its a real dream :) (i never remember dream when i am sleeping) :S

  15. 3 pnts - ants and sugarcube
    2 pnts - car pulling boat
    1 pnt - lincoln memorial

    Have ya'll done glowing-highlighted-digital-game world yet? (eg Tron)

  16. really nice contest. great models all around.


    Lincoln Memorial by SCIFILICIOUS. Really nice detail, huge number of textures, overall, great scene.

    Ants and sugar cube by Falcon view. great scene, neat contest.

    Goldensim's boat/car and car/boat. Neat concept, well built, but I had trouble liking the look of the car.

    Overall, I think this has been one of the better contests in terms of everyone building great models, and a lot of good competition. good work everyone.

  17. if the new challenge need suggestions, here some easy subject:
    - totem
    - flashlight
    - tent

  18. Voting is closed.
    The winner will be announced in next Challenge's post.
    Next Challenge will be posted Monday!

    Best wished,
