
10 July 2011

Sketchup 3D Challenge #127 - Memorial

Google Sketchup 3D Challenge presents Challenge #127:


Sunday 10th of July, 2011 - Thursday 21st of July, 2011

Entry Models

For this Challenge you'll need to create a memorial, your own design or existing. For an event that has actually happened, or something that may happen in the future (Nuclear war, Scifilicious?)! Maybe this can get you some inspiration: Sunday the 17th, the third Sunday of July, is national Ice Cream day! Maybe a memorial for Mrs. Mary Eales, the inventor of Ice Cream? Have fun!

3D Challenge tag: "3D Challenge 127"

The winner of previous 3D Challenge 126 - Waterpowered Space Grinder-Kennel combination is:

Jedi Charles, with The Dog Ground! It's great to see how everyone interpreted the subject in completely different ways, which gave us six beautiful creations! I bet, when it finally is the space age, and humans will be replaced by supersmart monkeys, they'll look back at these models and say: ,,Why would we need anything like that?"


  1. LOL at the comment above > Nice job Jedi Charles

  2. I've just finished my model,
    Picasa here :

    And model there :

    Was hard to fit in 10mb!!

  3. Thank you for submitting your entries!

    Let's start the voting!

    You may make 3 votes.
    - your First choice is worth 3 points,
    - your Second worth 2 points,
    - your Third worth 1 point,
    You may also make a comment, if you wish, on why you chose each model.

    View the models through the 'Entry Models'-link in the blogpost.

    Also add some subject suggestions for following Challenges!

    Good luck!

  4. 3 points: NWO memorial
    by Sketchmaster Tóth

    2 points: The Gravity Memorial
    by falconview

    1 point: The Abducted
    by HenkieTenk

  5. 1st - The Abducted by HenkieTenk
    2nd - The Gravity Memorial by falconview
    3rd - Space Shuttle Program Memorial by SketchUp-Diva

  6. I'm still hesitating with my votes, I'll post later.

    However, perhaps I'm gonna make some memorial for what lately happened in Norway..

  7. well Another good tuff week. I had so much fun with this one. I just wish I had time to render some more scenes. I will add some to my picasa album soon if anyone wants to go check it out.. here are my choices

    1st - Unseen Warriors by Jason

    2nd - The abducted by HenkieTank (love the textures)

    3rd - for details and idea have to go with the Gravity Memorial by Falconview

  8. 3 points: NWO
    2 points: Space Shuttle
    1 point: Le Square des Nouveaux

    Great Models!

  9. Does anyone know where I can get modeling software the supports recursion of any sort? Does such a thing exist?!

  10. 3pts to SketchUp-Diva for her Space Shuttle Program Memorial for recognizing the two shuttle crews lost.

    2pts to The Abducted by HenkieTenk for interesting concept.

    1pt to The Gravity Memorial by falconview for interesting back story to go with his memorial.

  11. Voting Closed.

    I hope to post the winner soon in the #128 Challenge post, but I'm currently out of the office, so if anyone else could count the vote and post the winner here, it would be a great help!

    Have fun all!

  12. 1st HenkieTank ( the winner ) - 8 votes
    2nd falconview and Sketchmaster Tóth - 6 votes both
    3rd SketchUp-Diva - 5 votes
    Jason - 3 votes
    moboille - 1 vote

    according to my calculation.

  13. Wow thanks everyone.. I enjoyed making that one day I think I will add more who knows.. maybe when I learn how to make better trees and people. Congrats Henkie

  14. Congratulations Henkie!

    I know my first model was kind of basic, but I am slowly getting better. Once a few other models are completed, I'll upload them to share.

    Keep up the great work everyone.
