
21 July 2011

Summer Break Challenge #128 - Tropical Island

Google Sketchup 3D Challenge presents Summer Break Challenge #128:

Tropical Island

Thursday 21st of July, 2011 - Wednesday 17th of August, 2011

Entry Models

For those of you who are on vacation, but still want to participate in the Sketchup 3D Challenge, a four-week-long Summer Break Challenge! Four weeks to perfectionize your dream-come-almost-true Vacation paradise. Have fun, and don't forget to vote for Challenge #127!

3D Challenge tag: "3D Challenge 128"

The winner of previous 3D Challenge #127 - Memorial is:

HenkieTenk with his model The Abducted! Based on an event that will happen in about six years, it almost seems HenkieTenk is somewhat psychic, and knows what will happen in the near future! As are a lot of other submitters, who reffered to events that will happen in -for example- 2052. Great model, HenkieTenk, and I know I can count on you, Tóth!


  1. hey modelers :) ill be out of the challenges for a moment , its summer and i am into making longboard boards and planning to sell some so this take all my time.. ill be back! :P

  2. Hey, bob the monkey and freinds did this "tropical islands" contest four years ago!

  3. Challenge closed.
    Let's start the voting!

    You may make 3 votes.
    - your First choice is worth 3 points,
    - your Second worth 2 points,
    - your Third worth 1 point,
    You may also make a comment, if you wish, on why you chose each model.

    Good luck!


  4. 3 points: Turtle Island
    by falconview

    2 points: Tropical island nr2
    by Mosquito

    1 point: Under the Sea ( tropical...
    by Sketchmaster Tóth

  5. 3 points: Under the Sea - Sketchmaster Tóth

    2 points: WWII Tropical island - Nico

    1 point: Tropical treasure´s island - Alberto Espinal

  6. 3 points: under the sea-Sketchmaster Tóth

    2 points: WWII Tropical island-Nico

    1 point: Turtle island: Falconview

  7. 3 points: Turtle Island by falconview
    2 points: Tropical treasure´s island... by Alberto Espinal
    1 point: WWII tropical island by Nico

    btw, will we challenge again? If suggestion fails I decide perpetuum mobile, hope this one wasn't before and makes everybody think...

  8. Well, if it lacks of idea, I could bring some out here : What about an airport? Or buildings like banks.. I'm so in need of an architecture challenge!!

  9. A city center would be neat.. lots of options there. A bank could be interesting too

  10. Falcon. I could see so many things with that, even a challenge where you have to maybe make a plaza out of 2 opposite city buildings like a Bank and a school or the police station and dump the sky could be the limit lol

  11. Thank you all for your great replies, and I'm really sorry for the delays. Now I have a new laptop, I can update the blog from anywhere, so there won't be anymore problems. I'll post a new challenge and the winner of this one tomorrow!

