
28 December 2011

SketchUp 3D Challenge #133 - Community Christmas Tree

Sunday, 18 December 2011 - Wednesday, 28 December 2011

View Entry Models | Status: Finished

The community Christmas tree has been a holiday tradition around the United States since the early 20th Century that now spans around the world. Let us celebrate this tradition by modeling one in SketchUp!

You are not limited to just fresh cut or live trees, you may also decorate a structure that a community disguises to create their tree. Use your imagination and don't hold back. If you feel like doing the entire town square, go ahead but don't run out of time.

3D Warehouse Tag: 3D Challenge 133
(Hint: Be sure to place a comma after it before adding more tags.)

The winner of previous 3D Challenge #132 - Snowmobiles is...
bronto with his Polaris 800 Dragon RMK 163!
Congratulations on the win, bronto!


  1. nice job bronto!
    weee! christmas tree :)

  2. Thank you everyone for your votes. I'm glad you like my model. Thank you. Details on Sno' Jet Thunder Jet as srews and nameplate and the progressive springs on Bahamut are also wondeful.
    Maybe future contest idea: Christmas crib

  3. well.. i abandoned this tree challenge cause i tried to add so much details i could not finish it and lost all intrest in restarting a new one after all this waste of time :(
    ""sometime , less is more"" :P
    anyways there is some good entry to this challenge , some turned out better than i have imagine doing in mine .. GJ!

  4. -----
    Challenge closed, thanks for the great entries.
    Let's start the voting!

    You may make 3 votes.
    - your First choice is worth 3 points,
    - your Second worth 2 points,
    - your Third worth 1 point,
    You may also make a comment, if you wish, on why you chose each model.

    Please also take a moment to suggest a future topic for the challenge.

    Good luck!


  5. first choice: Choinka Bozonarodzeniowa by Manwe
    second choice: Magic Christmas Tree by CK
    third choice: christmas tree by 8818eric

  6. 3 points to Christmas Tree With Presents
    2 points to Christmas Tree of Amazement
    1 point to BGA Christmas Tree

    I also like Marono Christmas Tree.
    BGA CREATIONS's models are great.
    Vote for them!

  7. BGA I'm sorry but you cannot vote on yourself.

  8. 3 points to Gabon Zoriontsuak by a.j.unkown
    2 points to Choinka Boaonarodzeniowa by Manwe
    1 point to Christmas Tree by Dilbert

    ....and I stink at creating trees, they all looked like bloody spearpoints!

  9. BGA, please vote for someone besides yourself. I will disregard your current votes.

  10. Making pine is really difficult. It's impossible to make it true 3D pine. Maker must choose the method to make it have low polygon as possible while keep the pine looking good too. Moreover, it still need to make some decorate it to be Christmas tree, more polygons must add too!

    3 Points ...eta urte berri on by a.j.unknow > nice tree shape,structure and low polygon.

    2 points Choinka Bozonarodzeniowa by Manwe > use good texture to reduce polygon.

    1 point christmas tree by 8818eric > High polygon but good arrangement. Hide edges will make it look better.

    Happy new year all!

  11. 3 points to Choinka Boaonarodzeniowa
    2 points to Gabon Zoriontsuak
    1 point to Magic Christmas Tree

    (Sorry I didn't know you couldn't vote for youself)

  12. suggestion : -SnowBoard or skis
    -old chair
    -hubless-wheel vehicle "anything"
    -a watch

  13. Woo! 1 point for me! Tough decision...

    3 points- Choinka Bozonarodzeniowa by Manwe

    2 points- Magic Christmas Tree by CK

    1 point- eta urte berri on by a.j.unknow

    It was REALLY close between those three.

  14. Suggestions...

    Handheld gaming console, bow and arrow, tool shed, maybe? Goldensim's chair idea sounds good.

  15. Because I'm really new, I'll refrain from voting as I don't feel it proper, but I'd love to see a challenge I could really get in on. I'm not the most skilled modeler, but I'm not a complete noob, a watch or an old chair, maybe a diner/cafe, would be just what I'm looking for in a first challenge. :D My personal preference would be a diner/cafe, but that's my 2 cents. I look forward to participating with the group. (I will say, this feels awkward, I'd have loved a place to properly introduce myself, lol.)

    Beautiful models all, I'm looking forward to competing and learning with the group.


  16. Welcome to the challenge Homer! We're glad to have you.

  17. -----
    Voting is now closed. Thanks for voting!
