
23 December 2011

SketchUp 3D Student Challenge #001 - Banks

Sunday, 20 November 2011 - Friday, 9 December 2011

View Entry Models | Status: Finished

Mr. Gosselin, a 9th Grade Art teacher, heard about 3D Challenge #331 - Banks and thought it would be a perfect exercise for his students to participate in the challenge. He wrote on our Facebook page to let us know about it and asked if the challenge could be extended to accommodate his teaching schedule. A compromise was reached and it was decided to create a special challenge for his students to allow their work to be voted on and to receive recognition for their work. So here we are...

It's a tie! The winners of SketchUp 3D Student Challenge #001 - Banks are $uperBank by Morgan B. and Majectic Bank by Kaila V.  Congratulations on a job well done and thanks for all the great entries!
Mr. Gosselin's 9th Grade Art Students


  1. First choice: $uperbank
    Second Choice: Majectic Bank
    Third Choice: Edwina The Bank


  2. For my first vote, it is Magestic Bank.
    My second pick is Bank(Such a fail).
    My third choice is $uper Bank.


  3. First vote is wyatt model
    second is hockey hall of fame bank
    third is awsome bank

  4. my first shouse Majectic Bank
    my second $uperBank
    my third is First International Bank


  5. My first choice is: Majectic Bank
    My second choice is:gothic spider bank
    My third choice is: Awesome Bank


  6. $upper bank
    Second choice Edwena the bank
    Third choice Bank (suck a fail)

  7. 1st- Majectic bank
    2nd- gothic spider bank
    3rd- awesome bank

  8. first vote Majectic Bank
    second vote $uperBank
    third vote Wyatt Model


  9. First choice: Bank (such a fail)
    Second: edwina the bank
    Third: Aweasome Bank

  10. first vote: majestic bank
    second vote: bank (such a fail)
    thirs vote: edwina the bank


  11. first vote $uperBank
    second vote Majectic Bank
    third vote Wyatt Model


  12. First choice is $uperBank
    Second choice is atempted bank
    Third choice is Majectic Bank

    Bradley Joseph William Armstrong

  13. First: Bank(such a fail)
    Second: Majestic Bank
    Third: Edwina the bank... :D


  14. My first choice is $uperbank
    My second choice is Bank (such a fail)
    My third is atempted bank


  15. My first choice is Majectic Bank
    My second choice is $uperBank
    My third choice is Edwina The Bank

    --Mr. Gosselin

  16. Note: All votes above are from separate voters even though the usernames are repeated. These votes were submitted in a classroom and there were issues with using multiple Google accounts. The same is true with a number of the entries that were posted to the 3D Warehouse under a single username but were all separate participants.

  17. Well First off great job to all.. I am not sure how long they have all been using Sketchup, but the ideas for the designs are great if I had to choose 3 being as tuff as it is here they are

    1st Place: $uper Bank

    good job. You could have so much fun with the interior of this one

    2nd Place: Bank (such a Fail)

    I dont see a fail. I see progress :-) you used textures and even used transparent windows.. great job

    3rd Place: Majestic Bank

    All I have to say is wow lots a windows. The scale of those things are amazing :-) Gotta give some SU props to you for the stairs I know how much of a pain they are.

  18. 1 $uperBank
    2 Edwina The Bank
    3 Majectic Bank

  19. My vote :

    1rst SuperBank
    2nd Edwina The Bank
    3rd Majectic Bank

    Good job, congratulations to all participants

  20. 3 points to BGA Bank
    2 points to Benjamin Bank
    1 point to International BGA Bank
