
06 May 2012

SketchUp 3D Challenge #143 - Power Tools

Sunday, 6 May 2012 - Wednesday, 16 May 2012

View Entry Models | Status: Finished

Power tools, where would we without them? Some people would still have all 20 fingers and toes (even though they would be covered in blisters). There are all kinds of power tools to choose from and plenty of people who don't know how to use them. In this challenge you don't have to worry about that; the only tools required are your brains, your computer and, of course, Google SketchUp!

For a list of potential tools to model, be sure to check out the WikiPedia article on power tools. Standard Participation Rules apply.

3D Warehouse Tag: 3D Challenge 143

The winner of previous challenge #142 - Observation Towers is...
a.j.unknow with his Hyperboloid Observation Tower! Congratulations on your 20th win!


  1. -----
    Challenge #143 - Power Tools is now closed. Thanks for the great entries!
    Let's start the voting!

    You may make 3 votes.
    - your First choice is worth 3 points,
    - your Second worth 2 points,
    - your Third worth 1 point,
    You may also make a comment, if you wish, on why you chose each model.

    Please also take a moment to suggest a future topic for the challenge.

    Good luck!


  2. 3 points to STILH chainsaw by DALEXD
    2 points to Hitachi cordless driver by HenkieTenk
    1 point to Power tool by ankush

  3. 3 for STIHL Chainsaw by DALEXD
    2 for Screwdriver 2 by a.j.unknow
    1 for Power tool by ankush (although Screwdriver 1 by a.j.unknow is better, I give you a point for participating and making a nice model!)

  4. 3 points for STIHL Chainsaw by DALEXD
    2 points for Hitachi Cordless Driver Drill by Henkie Tenk
    1 point for Screwdriver by a.j.unknow

  5. 3 points: STIHL Chainsaw by DALEXD
    2 points: Hitachi Cordless Driver Drill by HenkieTenk
    1 point: Screwdriver by a.j.unknow

  6. 3 points: Hitachi Cordless Driver Drill by HenkieTenk
    2 points: Screwdriver 2 by a.j.unknow
    1 point: Power tool by ankush

  7. 3 points: STIHL Chainsaw by DALEXD
    2 points: Hitachi Cordless Driver Drill by HenkieTenk
    1 point: Power tool by ankush

  8. 3 points to STILH chainsaw by DALEXD
    2 points to Hitachi cordless driver by HenkieTenk
    1 point to Power tool by ankush
