
01 June 2015

Vote Now: SketchUp 3D Challenge #210 - Jukebox

Challenge #210 - Jukebox has come to a close. Thanks for the awesome entries! Let's start the voting!

To vote, first review the entries, then create a comment on this post using the following example:

3 points: first place model name by modeler name
2 points: second place model name by modeler name
1 points: third place model name by modeler name

Participants in the challenge will receive a bonus point for their entry if they also make a suggestion for a future challenge when they vote. Please indicate the username you use in the 3D Warehouse if it differs from the one you use to submit your vote.

You may also make a comment, if you wish, on why you chose each model. Please also take a moment to suggest a future topic for the challenge.

Good luck!

Current Challenge: #211 Tree Home: 1 June 2015 - 15 June 2015
3D Warehouse Tag: 3D Challenge 211


  1. 3 points- Wurlitzer Model 1015 "The Bubbler" by bronto, very detailed and amazing work
    2 points- Jukebox Tennesse Deluxe by Sam R, lot of details and doesn't look like a beginner's work at all as he claims it is!
    1 points- SuperChief "GoldEdition" PHONOBOX by GoldenSim, it had a great potential and looks great but unfortunately I can't give more since it's not finished...

  2. 3 points JukeBox Pink Floyd by Michael B.
    2 points Wurlitzer 1015 by mosquito
    1 points Wurlitzer Model 1015 "The Bubbler" by bronto

    1. You are not allowed to vote for yourself so I will exclude your 3 point vote.

  3. 3 points : Wurlitzer 1015 by mosquito (great job with the textures)
    2 points : Jukebox Tennesse Deluxe by Sam R. (I agree with Mosquito : Sam R. doesn't look like a beginner...)
    1 point : SuperChief "GoldEdition" PHONOBOX by GoldenSim (for the lot of work and creation on the mechanism. It's a pity that you didn't finish it)

  4. 3 points JukeBox Pink Floyd by Michael B.
    2 points- SuperChief "GoldEdition" PHONOBOX by GoldenSim
    1 points Wurlitzer Model 1015 "The Bubbler" by bronto

  5. 3 points : Wurlitzer Model 1015 "The Bubbler" by bronto
    2 points : Wurlitzer 1015 by Mosquito
    1 points : Jukebox Tennesse Deluxe by Sam R.

  6. 3 points : Wurlitzer 1015 by Mosquito
    2 points : Wurlitzer Model 1015 "The Bubbler" by bronto
    1 point : Jukebox Tennesse Deluxe by Sam R.

  7. 3 points: first place Wurlitzer Model 1015 "The Bubbler" by: bronto
    2 points: second place Wurlitzer 1015 by: Mosquito
    1 points: third place model nameJukebox Tennesse Deluxe by Sam R.

  8. 3 points : Wurlitzer 1015 by: Mosquito
    2 points : Wurlitzer Model 1015 "The Bubbler" by: bronto
    1 point : SuperChief "GoldEdition" PHONOBOX by GoldenSim

  9. 3 points : Jukebox Tennesse Deluxe by Sam R. - nice work, clear model
    2 points : SuperChief "GoldEdition" PHONOBOX by GoldenSim - detailed work and an interesting concept, but not finished
    1 point : Wurlitzer 1015 by mosquito - great textures, but holey - not connected (joined) model

    Suggestions for a future challenges: scooter; trial offroad car; playground
