
03 June 2012

SketchUp 3D Challenge #145 - Sustainable Energy

Sunday, 03 June 2012 - Wednesday, 13 June 2012

View Entry Models | Status: Finished

From WikiPedia:

"Sustainable energy is the sustainable provision of energy that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs. Technologies that promote sustainable energy include renewable energy sources, such as hydroelectricity, solar energy, wind energy, wave power, geothermal energy, and tidal power, and also technologies designed to improve energy efficiency."

Your job is not to model "sustainable energy" but to model something, man made, that is designed to produce sustainable energy. It can be real, conceptual or something out of your own imagination. Just be sure to use your energy wisely because this challenge's lights will go out on Wednesday, 13 June 2012.

3D Warehouse Tag: 3D Challenge 145

The Winner of Previous Challenge #144 - Ultimate Doghouse is...
a.j.unknow with his Snoopy House entry! Charles Schultz would be proud!


  1. This is very interesting challenge.

  2. I'm glad you think so. Thanks to KierovNick for the suggestion.

  3. -----
    Challenge #145 - Sustainable Energy is now closed. Thanks for the great entries!
    Let's start the voting!

    You may make 3 votes.
    - your First choice is worth 3 points,
    - your Second worth 2 points,
    - your Third worth 1 point,
    You may also make a comment, if you wish, on why you chose each model.

    Please also take a moment to suggest a future topic for the challenge.

    Good luck!


  4. My opinion:
    3 points to Solar thermal tower by Ryksuga
    2 points to Hydropower dam by HenkieTenk
    1 point to Champs éolien by cathy.tritschler

  5. 3 points to Hydropower Dam by Henkie Tenk
    2 points to Nitro RC car by Mosquito
    1 point to Solar Thermal Tower by Ryksuga

  6. 3 to Champs éolien by cathy.tritschler
    2 to Solar Thermal Tower by Ryksuga
    1 to Hydropower Dam by HenkieTenk by HenkieTenk

  7. 3 points for: Solar Thermal Tower by Ryksuga

    2 points for: Nitro RC car powered by solar panels and gas by Mosquito

    1 point for: Champs éolien by cathy.tritschler

    Also liked the Solar Power tower!

    Future subjects:
    - Desk Lamp
    - Tree House/Cabin
    - Bunny cages
    - food dish

  8. This one was tough to judge, there were 4 that I kept trying to put in some form of order...

    3 Points to A.J.unknown - love the light effects
    2 Points to Henkie - detail, detail, detail...
    1 Point to Mosquito - again, sucker for detail

    For the next challenge, it might be fun to revisit an earlier challenge. Something from 1 to 20 or so....


  9. Sorry for my late voting :

    3 points for Solar Thermal Tower by Ryksuga
    2 points for Solar Power Tower by A.J.Unknow
    1 point for Hydropower Dam by HenkieTenk

  10. 3 poinfs A.J,Unknow solar power
    2 points HenkieTenk hydro power
    1 point Szczesny Solar Panels

  11. -----
    Voting is now closed. Thanks for your votes!
