
17 June 2012

SketchUp 3D Challenge #146 - Summer Recreation

Sunday, 17 June 2012 - Wednesday, 27 June 2012

View Entry Models | Status: Finished

Summer is finally here! Well, at least it is for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere... The challenge is a chance to make a model relating to your favorite summer (outdoor) activity. This is your chance to show off your best work and creativity because the sky is the limit! If you are heading into winter, no worries, this will give you something to look forward to in 6 months.

Happy Sketching!

3D Warehouse Tag: 3D Challenge 146

The Winner of Previous Challenge #145 - Sustainable Energy is...
Ryksuga with his Solar Thermal Tower entry! Congratulations on the win! Your model is now featured on the SketchUp 3D Challenge Facebook page.


  1. -----
    Challenge #146 - Summer Recreation is now closed. Thanks for the great entries!
    Let's start the voting!

    You may make 3 votes.
    - your First choice is worth 3 points,
    - your Second worth 2 points,
    - your Third worth 1 point,
    You may also make a comment, if you wish, on why you chose each model.

    Please also take a moment to suggest a future topic for the challenge.

    Good luck!


  2. damn it.. i missed the best challenge ever :(

  3. Ive missed lots of challenges too... might join the next one. heres my vote:

    3 pts: Baidarka (sea kayak)
    by Ryksuga

    2 pts:Fly Rod and Reel
    by Justin

    1 pt :Aerodynamic Tent
    by Gerbrand


  4. Some good ones on a competition that was wide open for what one would want to do.

    3 points to a.j.unkown - Sand Castle

    2 points to cathy.tritschler - Valise

    1 point to Justin - Fly Rod and Reel


  5. A subject treated so differently by everyone, very interesting models!

    Here is my vote :
    3 points for Sand Castle by a.j.unknow (lot of personal memories...)
    2 points for Baidarka by Ryksuga (love the transparency with the structure below)
    1 point for Travel the world by Henkie Tenk (original approch)

  6. My vote
    3 points for "Valise" by cathy.tritschler
    2 points for "Badarka" by Ryksuga
    1 point for "Travel the world" by Henkie Tenk

  7. @GS, Submit a challenge idea along those lines for the "second best challenge ever" with your vote and I'll see what I can do.

  8. 3 points for the luggage by cathy.tritschler
    2 points for the sand castle by a.j.unknow
    1 point for Travel the World by Henkie Tenk

  9. 3 points to a.j. unkown with the sand castle
    2 points to Henkie Tenk with Travel the World
    1 point to cathy.tritschler with the luggage

  10. 3 for a.j. unkown with the sand castle
    2 for cathy.tritschler with Valise
    1 for Baidarka (sea kayak)by Ryksuga

  11. -----
    Voting is now closed. Thanks for your votes!
