
15 July 2012

SketchUp 3D Challenge #148 - 5th Anniversary

Sunday, 15 July 2012 - Wednesday, 25 July 2012

View Entry Models | Status:   Finished  

The SketchUp 3D Challenge has made it to it's 5th Anniversary! To celebrate the occasion, we are revisiting past challenge topics.

For this challenge your job is to choose a challenge topic from Challenges #001 through #020 and create a model for that topic. It's an opportunity for you to pick a topic that will show off your best skills.

Challenges #001 - #020 (Click on links for full descriptions):

3D Warehouse Tag: 3D Challenge 148

The winner of previous Challenge #147 - Tree House is...
a.j.unknow with his Tree House entry! Congratulations on your 23rd Win with an astounding 29 Points! Your winning entry is now featured on the SketchUp 3D Challenge Facebook page!

2nd Place: cathy.tritschler with Maison Assurancetourix
3rd Place: superchaos with Tree House Sunroom


  1. AH!!! finally i get to do the challenge i missed and always wanted to do :)

  2. Hello . My entry is locked at the moment due to a childish hater who want to steal my models , it will only be unlock durring voting time

  3. -----
    Challenge #148 - 5th Anniversary is now closed. Thanks for the great entries! 35 this time, wow!
    Let's start the voting!

    You may make 3 votes.
    - your First choice is worth 3 points,
    - your Second worth 2 points,
    - your Third worth 1 point,
    You may also make a comment, if you wish, on why you chose each model.

    Please also take a moment to suggest a future topic for the challenge.

    Good luck!


  4. 1st - Diesel punk plane by (AFMD)
    highly detailed and the design is impressive

    2nd - 3D Challenge 148 by (oupadann)
    looks very realistic and have allot of details

    3rd - MSF 001 by (mikZ)
    The awesome animation made me decide between him and
    another great model

    There were so many entry ,it took me a wile to download and look at them all ,but there are talented people in here.
    Good job all!

  5. 1st. the arch by dalexd
    2nd. old temple by bga creations
    3rd. small sky scraper by moboille.
    all really nice models

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. 3pts: 'Cobra Tower' by vincente; great modeling,/ sleek design
    2pts: 'Full Bedroom' by Sketchmaster Toth; good display of a small space
    1pt: 'Phare du Plateau du four' by Kathy; nice material mapping

    Future model: Olympic Pavilion

  8. Yes, I think the next Challenge can be an Olympic Pavilion, it's a geat idea!

  9. What happened? The half of the entries are disappeared. I can't see them. Somebody else noticed?

    1. Not only did some entries disapear but I had three of my most recent models which did as well.... I don't get what's going on... however I've uploaded my entry back ;)

  10. ? Me i see all entry ?
    Suggestions for next challenge : crossbow
    lounge furniture set
    mechanical head/skull

  11. 3 points to Diesel punk plane by AFMD
    2 points to Phare du PLATEAU DU FOUR by cathy
    1 point to Wooden toy by Sketchmaster Toth

  12. 3 points to Diesel punk plane by AFMD
    2 points to Phare du PLATEAU DU FOUR by cathy
    1 point to Wooden toy by Sketchmaster Toth

  13. I am both votes are count as one. thanks ^_^

  14. 3 points for Concept 3wheeled sport car by GoldenSim
    2 points for YP-44 Pronghorn by Ryksuga
    1 point for MSF 001 by mikZ

    But I too cannot see all the models?
    That's quite strange and disapointing...

  15. 3 points Concept 3wheeled sport car
    by GoldenSim

    2 points MSF 001
    by mikZ

    1 point Dragonfly Interceptor
    by necron2.0

  16. Sorry guys, but this time I will not vote, not because I did not like the models, but because many of uploaded models have disappeared, and I do not think is fair to vote only on the remaining ones!

    I've seen that some models are missing.. it is also my case.

    JEDI, is it any way to fix this, or we should reupload the missing models

    Thanks and I hope you all understand my point on not voteing this time


  17. There is no problem on my side. i can see all the models. i just cant decide who to vote for yet. lots of good ones this time.

  18. I can see 35 models, 12 + 12 + 11 (models/page). Was it actually more than 35?

    1. Yes, there was all the 35 at July 25, but next day when I visited the page to select my candidates for voting only 21 was found.

    2. Yes, there was all the 35 at July 25, but next day when I visited the page to select my candidates for voting only 21 was found.

  19. @all
    The only way that I found is re-uploading the models; the stars and the comments remain.

  20. 3 pts to "Concept 3wheeled sport car" by GoldenSim

    2 pts to "full bedroom" by Sketchmaster Toth (take the tour if you haven't)

    1 pt to "SPECTATOR1 LightSportAircraft" by bronto

    My suggestion for a future competition would be "fire." That is to say, any model that conveys the sense of fire, flame, heat, and/or burning. It would not literally have to BE fire.

    - Metheglin Man (aka Necron2.0)

  21. Here are my votes, in spite of the ongoing bug (I think that I remember the deleted models):

    Three points go to the full bedroom made by Sketchmaster Tóth;
    It's a really audacious choice and you managed to create something complete and original (not so cliché) which is moreover quite elegant. That's the reason why I decide to give you my three points.

    Two points to go a.j.unknow's Time Machine for its great modelling and details.

    Last point go to cathy.tritschler's Phare du PLATEAU DU FOUR because of its perfect modelling.

    Congrats to those who created cars and planes, they all looked extremely well done but I'm not knowledgeable about these stuffs and cannot really appreciate them, sorry :)

  22. PS: I agree with Patrick and VCN 3D, and Olympic Pavilion would be interesting for an architecture challenge (even though I'm not interested at all in sports).

    JDF also had a great idea (it's been stuck in my mind for months) :
    A small structure to fit bewteen two buildings like this ( or of course, a larger one.

  23. Fire sound like fun , if we can play on words like
    "he's on fire" or "it's on fire"...anything with fire.
    but a crossbow could be a great mechanical challenge to i think
    iam not to much into structures , but the Keret house could be fun to

  24. Just to follow up on my "fire" idea. I came up with it sort of in response to the Olympic Pavilion idea. I personally have no interest in that, but that concept could be encapsulated into a larger theme. Taking a queue from the Olympic Torch and Flame ....

    - Metheglin Man (aka Necron2.0)

  25. My model uploaded in time for the challenge has a problem : it is impossible to dowload it.

    I just uploaded the same model but I didn't know the ID model so another model was created. Would you be kind enough JediCharles to include this new model in the challenge so I could delete the first wrong model ?

  26. I'm talking about Jellfish house....

  27. Thanks for alerting me to the problem. Unfortunately we have no control over the functionality of the 3D Warehouse. I have checked the models on a daily basis and each time I have found the 35 models. It is likely a problem with a particular server as Google uses multiple servers. I can extend the deadline for the challenge to wait for the problems to clear but doing so would invalidate the current votes. I have to be fair to everyone and it may be only fair to restart the vote. I can do that if everyone is in agreement.

  28. I went to investigate the problem and I just found in the official 3D Warehouse Forum that there was am "indexing issue" that came up but it has now been fixed as of 11:00AM Mountain Time. No models were lost however some could not be viewed.

    Yes, your second upload of the same model still counts. You may delete the first one.

    Can you see all 35 now?

    I think it would be best to restart the vote but I will have to notify everyone to re-vote. Give me some time to think about the best way to do it.

  29. -----
    Vote Restart:
    Due to an unforeseen problem with the 3D Warehouse, that which has been acknowledged by Google, Voting for Challenge #148 - 5th Anniversary must start over. The problem is now fixed, however. to insure that everyone's model is included in the vote the previous votes must be set aside. We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your understanding.

    Let's re-start the voting!

    You may make 3 votes.
    - your First choice is worth 3 points,
    - your Second worth 2 points,
    - your Third worth 1 point,
    You may also make a comment, if you wish, on why you chose each model.

    If you have already voted, please take a moment to vote again taking into account for all 35 models.

    Good luck!


  30. 3 points Concept 3wheeled sport car
    by GoldenSim

    2 points MSF 001
    by mikZ

    1 point Dragonfly Interceptor
    by necron2.0

  31. To repeat my previous votes:

    3 pts to "Concept 3wheeled sport car" by GoldenSim

    2 pts to "full bedroom" by Sketchmaster Toth (take the tour if you haven't)

    1 pt to "SPECTATOR1 LightSportAircraft" by bronto

    - Metheglin Man (aka Necron2.0)

  32. Finally all entry is visible. Hard to chose. Thanks Jedi, for solving and fixing the problem.

    3 points: 3D Challenge 148 by oupadann Don't ask why, it was hard to select the first one.
    2 points: Dragonfly Interceptor by necron2.0 I'm in love with spaceships.
    1 point: Diesel punk plane by AFMD It must been a lot of work.

  33. Posting again;

    Here are my votes, in spite of the ongoing bug (I think that I remember the deleted models):

    Three points go to the full bedroom made by Sketchmaster Tóth;
    It's a really audacious choice and you managed to create something complete and original (not so cliché) which is moreover quite elegant. That's the reason why I decide to give you my three points.

    Two points to go a.j.unknow's Time Machine for its great modelling and details.

    Last point go to cathy.tritschler's Phare du PLATEAU DU FOUR because of its perfect modelling.

    Congrats to those who created cars and planes, they all looked extremely well done but I'm not knowledgeable about these stuffs and cannot really appreciate them, sorry :)

  34. Thanks JediCharles, I've deleted the wrong model.

  35. After an entire evening examining all models, I finally made ​​my choice. I wish I had double of points to give because there is so much skill expressed this week...

    3 points for Diesel Punk plane by AFMD
    2 points for Concept 3wheeled sport car by GoldenSim
    1 point for Dragonfly Interceptor by necron2.0

    Congratulations to all, I really enjoyed watching all of your models.

  36. 3pts: 'Cobra Tower' by vincente; great modeling,/ sleek design
    2pts: 'Full Bedroom' by Sketchmaster Toth; good display of a small space
    1pt: 'Phare du Plateau du four' by Kathy; nice material mapping

    Future model: Olympic Pavilion

  37. I have removed my models because people are voting for previously made models, when the rules state must be original. you cant play fair so im not playing.

  38. Thanks for the Olympics related suggestions. It was a very good idea and I was willing to go with it, however, after some thought I have determined that it would not be wise from a legal standpoint to use any trademarks of the International Olympic Committee. Even calling it "the games" would be considered questionable. The IOC is well known to aggressively defend their intellectual property rights and that is the reason why.

  39. @Rev. Ink,
    This is a self policing challenge so if you feel someone has violated the rules then bring those specific violations to my attention. If they have violated the rules then they will be disqualified.

  40. 3 points to Diesel punk plane by AFMD
    2 points to Phare du PLATEAU DU FOUR by cathy
    1 point to Wooden toy by Sketchmaster Toth

  41. (rewind and play again)...
    i think the problems was on peoples computers , cause there is no "New" models showing , they have all been there since the start
    anyways , here it is again...

    1st - Diesel punk plane by (AFMD)
    highly detailed and the design is impressive

    2nd - 3D Challenge 148 by (oupadann)
    looks very realistic and have allot of details

    3rd - MSF 001 by (mikZ)
    The awesome animation made me decide between him and
    another great model

    There were so many entry ,it took me a wile to download and look at them all ,but there are talented people in here.
    Good job all!

  42. Rev. Ink please tell us who i hate when this happen


    1st - D Challenge 148 by (oupadann)
    looks very realistic and have allot of details

    2nd - MSF 001 by (mikZ)
    nice modeling and cool animation

    3rd -full bedroom by Sketchmaster Tóth
    Great model and style

    (AFMD) i have a hard time he did this model in the same day the challenge started , so its a discalification in my book ...but excellent model tho

  44. Here are my Votes:

    3 pts : Time machine by Aj unknow

    2 pts : dragonfly Interceptor by necron.

    1 pt : concept three wheeled sports car by golden sim


  45. 3 points: Concept 3wheeler sport car by GoldenSim / very interesting concept (please try to find shoerter name for you next model :))

    2 points: full bedroom by Sketchmaster Toth

    1 point: 3D Challenge 148 by oupadann

  46. haha! yeah.. i keep that in mind for next challenges :)

  47. -----
    Voting is now closed. Thanks for your votes!
