24 December 2008

3D Challenge #068 - Gundam Universe MS

Holiday Challenge:

Gundam Universe MS

A very long challenge for the holyday period, this time you should model a Mobile Suit from the Gundam Saga.
You can choose a model from the Federation or from Zion Army.
In the web there are a lot of pictures to use as inspiration for your work.

You could try these:
http://en.wikipedia.org (Wikipedia)
http://gundam.wikia.com/wiki (Gundam Wiki)
http://anaheimmachines.blogspot.com/ (Great 3D modeler site)
http://MAHQ.net (Mecha Anime Head Quarters)

Good luck with the challenge!

3D Warehouse tag: 3d challenge 068

Due Date: Wed, Jannuary 14th (challenge closed)

Click here to see the currently submitted models for this challenge.

RX-78-2 Gundam - Illsteir

2nd Place
Gundam RX-78 from Blah11 - TrooperManiac

3rd Place
GFAS-X1 Destroy Gundam - HenkieTenk

17 December 2008

3D Challenge #067 - Xmas Holidays

This week's challenge:

Xmas Holidays

This will be a one week challenge and you will be modeling something about Christmas. You could model what you want but it must be related to your own Christmas. It must be something that shows what Christmas means to you: Xmas Tree decorations, a long table ready for the dinner, ginger bread, etc. So, please avoid drawing mechs with Santa Hat or Red cars.

Good luck with the challenge!

3D Warehouse tag: 3d challenge 067

Due Date: Wed, December 24th (Challenge closed)

Click here to see the currently submitted models for this challenge.

Cookies and Milk - Joe Sketchewa

2nd Place
Christmas Scene - Kevin--KDSDESIGN

3rd Place
Christmas tree in the snow - HenkieTenk

10 December 2008

3D Challenge #066 - Library

The purpose of the challenge is to have fun and bring SketchUp users together and help each other learn and get better at using our favorite 3d modeling program. We will remove comments that are objectionable or offensive.
Before you start modeling and posting, please read carefully the 3D Challenge participating manual and pre-made or downloaded components are not allowed.

This week's challenge:


This will be a one week challenge and you will be modeling a Library. Try to think about placement and use of space for this model along with details that Library's have. Some of the older Library's have solid oak casings and high round ceilings and archways, while some have a more modern approach. Your Library design and style is up to you, just make sure to get them posted before the deadline!

Good luck with the challenge!

3D Warehouse tag: 3d challenge 066

Due Date: Wed, December 17th (Challenge Closed)

Click here to see the currently submitted models for this challenge.

Future Holographic Library - Amir N. Dajani

2nd Place
Great libary Complex - Christian (Eneroth3)

3rd Place
Library of the Future - JediCharles
Public Library - a.j.unknow

05 December 2008

3D Challenge #065 - Freestyle Model

Note: The purpose of the challenge is to have fun and bring SketchUp users together and help each other learn and get better at using our favorite 3d modeling program. We will remove comments that are objectionable or offensive.
Before you start modeling and posting, please read carefully the 3D Challenge participating manual and pre-made or downloaded components are not allowed.

This week's challenge:

Freestyle Model

Due to the small amount of time 'till due date, this week you should model what you like as good as you're able. Give no limitation to your fantasy but keep in mind the general rules of this Challenge.

Good luck to all, and have fun!!!

3D Warehouse tag: 3d challenge 065

Due Date: Wed, December 10th (Challenge Closed)

Click here to see the currently submitted models for this challenge.

Flashdrive - Sketchosaurus

2nd Place
RM Desktop Computer - Fred IIVX

3rd Place
Never Ending Stairs - Amir N. Dajani